2 Thessalonians: A 5-Day Reading PlanÖrnek

2 Thessalonians: A 5-Day Reading Plan

5 günden 3. gün

What If I Want To Give Up?

We think everything will be easy when we follow Jesus. We’ll have no more struggles, no more pain, and no more temptation. That will be true in heaven, but on Earth, we will experience suffering and pressure to sin. This reality can sometimes make us want to give up.  

The church in Thessalonica also experienced these pressures. The church was made up of former idol-worshippers who had been transformed by the Gospel and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. They may have had powerful salvation experiences, but they walked right back into their families, jobs, and communities with people who operated under a whole different set of values.

It would have been easy for believers to walk away from the church and conform to the ways of the world.​

Often, we experience that same pressure when we step out of church and back into the situation where it’s financially easier to live together before marriage. Or, into the job where it’s common to fudge numbers to get ahead. Or, back into a home that is filled with conflict.

The Gospel isn’t a one-time recognition, but a reality that changes the way we approach every day of our lives.

We can stand firm in these situations when we understand that the Gospel isn’t a one-time recognition, but a reality that changes the way we approach every day of our lives (2 Thessalonians 2:13-14). Building a relationship with Jesus is a process. Paul encourages us to, “...stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter” (2 Thessalonians 2:15).

Jesus was dead; now He’s not. And one day He’s coming back to set things right. Of all the things Paul could have encouraged the Thessalonians (and us) with, he points to Jesus’ return. That truth gives us hope. Hope changes our hearts, giving us the strength to do what’s right and trust that God will work things out. Hope invigorates our work, allowing us to have a positive attitude when our coworkers complain and mock us. And hope enlivens our speech, allowing us to encourage others even when it seems like there’s nothing worth celebrating (2 Thessalonians 2:17).

When we feel like giving up, staying connected to Jesus through prayer, the Bible, and His people will give us the strength to keep going.


  • What is one area of your life where you feel like giving up?
  • How does knowing that Jesus is coming back and going to set things right give you hope for the situation you want to give up on?
  • Do you have people in your life who encourage you to follow Jesus?
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Okuma Planı Hakkında

2 Thessalonians: A 5-Day Reading Plan

Paul writes to the church in Thessalonica to clear up confusion circulating about Jesus’ return. In a previous letter, Paul had said Jesus’ return was imminent. Some in the church took that to mean Jesus was coming back immediately. Paul corrects them and instructs the church on how to live in the meantime. Reading this study, you’ll face the reality of Jesus’ return and our responsibility to live for him.
