Chasing PerfectÖrnek

Chasing Perfect

5 günden 5. gün

When I was young both in years and in my faith, I thought God wanted me to move to Africa. I thought leaving America to become a missionary was the ultimate act of obedience. 

I was partially right. We are called to be on a mission. We are called to take up our cross and follow Christ as we make disciples of the nations. But it doesn’t have to be in another nation. We can—and should—be on mission right where we are. So if we’re already in our mission field, why aren’t we serving? 

Paul shared some deep insights with the Philippian church that the Holy Spirit revealed to him, ones we need to hear today. He wrote that they would need to be “content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want” (Philippians 4:12 NIV, emphasis added). 

When we get too comfortable in abundance, we lose sight of God. We focus on the created things, rather than on the Creator.

God made creation. He delights in His creation. He made humans so we could delight in His creation as well. We have taste buds, nerve endings, and pleasure receptors so we can experience and enjoy all the things He designed—so long as we keep these gifts in their rightful place. A car driving on the sidewalk or a fire burning in the middle of the living room can both cause massive destruction—not because there is anything wrong with a car or fire, but because these gifts were taken out of their element.

We have done the same with our things and blessings. It’s the primary reason most women feel lost, unsatisfied, and distant from God. It’s the reason we are no longer on the mission.

This was the case for the rich young ruler in Matthew 19. He wanted to love the Lord, but when Jesus asked him to sell all his possessions and follow Him, he couldn’t do it... He couldn’t let go of his possessions because he believed his joy and peace depended on them. But Jesus is joy and peace. None of the tangible, visible, or experiential blessings the Lord provides could ever fulfill like the Lord Himself. 

It’s true that throughout the Bible, God blessed many of His people with material blessings. But the material blessings were to reflect God’s goodness, not replace it. God’s people are always called to keep the Lord first and serve no other gods. When the divine order is reversed, we forget to be on mission right where we are

I thought God wanted me to go to Africa so I could serve Him with faithfulness and obedience. But I’d been standing in a fertile mission field all along, and all I had to do was start watering at my own feet.

I didn’t realize it then and often don’t realize it now because I’m distracted and enamored with my own comfort. Yet the secret to true satisfaction is realizing that fulfillment begins and ends with surrender to Jesus. 

Mary knew Jesus was the Word incarnate, which was why amid the hustle and bustle of the uninvited guests, she sat at His feet. Only when we spend time saturating and informing our minds with His Word, when we submit to the Spirit in prayer, and when we realign and renew our thinking around Jesus Christ will we start experiencing peace and purpose. God longs to create in us a new heart, but it starts with new affections, desires, and habits. He’ll do miraculous work around us after He has done miraculous work within us.

Martha didn’t see this at first, but Mary did, and so her problems became small, her worries insignificant, and her delight overwhelming. Her heart was overcome with the magnificent presence of the all-satisfying words of Jesus because she loved God more than anything.

And that is the only thing that matters. 


We hoped you found this plan helpful! You can read more in Alisha Illian's latest book, Chasing Perfect, available here.  

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Chasing Perfect

In this hustling world of jam-packed schedules and impossible expectations, true rest and renewal can only be found by submitting to Jesus. This reading plan will help you understand what it means to stop chasing distractions and start chasing Jesus.
