Weak Is the New StrongÖrnek

Weak Is the New Strong

10 günden 4. gün

Do you expect others to see you the way you see yourself? Why or why not?

Just because you have the amazing revelation that God’s power is displayed through your weaknesses does not mean others see you that way. I need to have compassion for the ones who do not see my weaknesses as conduits for God’s power because they most likely do not see their own weaknesses in that way. Their weaknesses are still a source of their deepest insecurities. It’s my role to give them the compassion of Jesus. A common theme among humanity is to  judge others based on deep insecurities or struggles we also deal with. We all have weaknesses. Typically these are a source of insecurity.  Weaknesses no longer need to be a reason for insecurity but a conduit of God’s power. The Apostle Paul describes it best. “I will celebrate my weaknesses, for when I’m weak I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ living in me.” ‬ I’ve had people  refer to my disability oddly as a disease or as something that is negative due to the fact that they’re not comfortable with their own weaknesses.  When weaknesses remain an insecurity, humans have prejudices against others for what they deem as a weakness. Let’s practice these words in the Bible as we now see ourselves newly. Let’s see others in light of God’s power through their weaknesses. “Therefore from now on we recognize no one according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer.” (2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:16‬ ‭NASB‬‬) Who knows? You might be the one that helps the one who can’t see your weaknesses as your strengths to see their own weaknesses as a conduit for God’s power to be displayed through.  

Who in your life are you going to be transparent about your weaknesses with so they can also experience God’s power through their weaknesses?

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Weak Is the New Strong

What if you didn’t have to hide your weaknesses anymore? Todd Lollar was never given that option. Slow-moving, slower-talking, cerebral-palsied, and wheelchair-bound, Todd’s physical weaknesses were always apparent. Escaping them was impossible. This plan is based on Todd's book, Weak Is The New Strong: God's Power In You. Discover on this biblical journey how your deepest weaknesses can be your greatest strengths.
