A Believer's Response During a CrisisÖrnek

A Believer's Response During a Crisis

3 günden 3. gün

A True Worship

In crisis, we reflected on the prevailing prayer, the unshakeable faith, and today we will see one of the most vital components that a believer should exercise during a crisis—that is ‘worship’.

After Jahaziel’s encouraging word, Jehoshaphat bowed down before His maker in worship and reverence. This led the entire people to fall down in worship before the Lord. The Levites and the Korahites stood up and praised the Lord, the God of Israel, with a very loud voice.

I cannot imagine this picture: The huge army on the other side just getting ready to smack Jehoshaphat and his troop, and here on this side, we hear music, songs, praises, and worship. The enemies might have mocked this gesture! Before going into the physical battle, they revived spiritually in their devotion and in worship.

They worshiped saying, "Give thanks to the Lord for his love endures forever." Did they sing this after the battle? Did they sing this while their enemies are dead? No! They sang this before the battle, during the crisis, and while their enemies were still alive.

Before a miracle, before a breakthrough, praise Him! Praise the Lord for who He is! Praise the Lord for all that He has done! Praise the Lord for what he is going to do! Praise breaks chains. Worship moves God.

The Bible says as they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah. The Bible says they were defeated!

When Jehoshaphat and his army came to the site, they saw their enemies, dead! No one had escaped!

People, this is what worship can do! This is what God can do when you worship! In your crisis, do not cry, but sing praise and give thanks to Him. Go in the name of the Lord. The victory is yours!

Take away:

True worship moves God: To see a breakthrough in crisis, worship the Lord your God. Give thanks to Him.

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Okuma Planı Hakkında

A Believer's Response During a Crisis

A sudden crisis disrupts everything, it affects our well being and causes tremendous pressure. In this plan, Sam & Mildred, derive lessons from Jehoshaphat and talk about how a believer must respond during a crisis. God was with us, He is with us and He will continue to be with us.
