Enjoying MotherhoodÖrnek

Enjoying Motherhood

10 günden 10. gün

Leaving a Legacy of Love

by Tara Davis

My dear friend, I know you try so hard to be the mom your kids need, the one God has called you to be. Between the messes, squabbles, and crazy life, maybe your fire and passion for this journey flickers a bit. Mine does too. Our time on this earth is so short, only just a vapor (James 4:14). And our time raising these precious little ones is even more fleeting. Oh, how I want my children to remember seeing Christ in me! A wise woman once told me to begin with the end in mind. Sisters, we must make a plan for the legacy we want to leave and stay the course as we allow God to make us into the women He desires us to be!

Have you merely been riding the waves of motherhood? Sweet sister, it is not too late to be intentional about writing your story and allowing Christ to write His story through you! Psalm 90:12 petitions the Lord, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Who do you want to be during your remaining days? Begin walking more intentionally in God’s calling for you! Let Christ transform you into the hands and feet of His love! He will make you into the kind, patient, faithful woman you long to be if you simply choose to surrender yourself and be renewed in Him.

When you intentionally walk with Him, He will shine through you, illuminating the darkness around you (2 Corinthians 4:6-7). As a daughter of the King, it is no longer you who lives, but Christ who lives in you (Galatians 2:20)! Begin walking in that today! Your children will see your faithfulness to Jesus and that will become the scaffolding they build their own lives upon!

The legacy we leave is our offering to the Lord that continues on long past our last breath on earth. Are you choosing to love today, my friend? Are you showing your children mercy and kindness? Are you personifying the character of Christ? Let us love with the purpose and selflessness written about in 1 Corinthians 13. This is the summer to submit your life to the Lord and allow Him to leave a legacy of love through you!

Would you like more encouragement in your journey as a mom? Join the Help Club for Moms on Facebook, Instagram, or our website helpclubformoms.com.  We hope to see you there!  :)

Gün 9

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Enjoying Motherhood

Raising kids in today's culture is challenging. Now, more than ever, we moms need help! Join the community of women at Help Club for Moms as we learn about important, life-giving topics for moms designed to encourage us to keep going and stay strong!
