The 10 Promises of ChristmasÖrnek

The 10 Promises of Christmas

11 günden 4. gün

Day 4 - Love

The word love can be rather empty in substance when it gets used for smart phones and our favorite dessert. When God uses this word, he means it deeply—and shows it! The Bible says God loved us so much that he sent Jesus to us as a gift. Amazingly, God loves his followers in the same way he loves his Son. And the promise of Christmas is that nothing can separate us from this love!

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The 10 Promises of Christmas

The story of Christmas offers a great promise. It speaks into the hopelessness and restlessness of our day by revealing a God who has been on mission to save us. From the beginning of our human story, God promised a Rescuer. When he made good on that promise, he did so in an unexpected way: by sending his Son! Come experience this story and unwrap the promises it offers you.
