Discover FaithÖrnek

Discover Faith

16 günden 6. gün

Continuing Your Faith Journey

Matthew 4:19| “Come, follow me” Jesus said, ”and I will make you fishers of men.”

If you have small children at home, then you’ll know that one of the great things about having little ones is that they adore everything you do. For example, sons try their hardest to fix things around the house, pick up heavy packages, or help their moms out by doing a little cleaning here and there because they’re following their dad’s lead. There may come a day when that may not be the case…but while they’re still young, it is fun to watch.

Similarly, relationship with Jesus is the idea of “follow.” Jesus called the early disciples by saying, “follow me.” For the next three years of Jesus’ ministry, they followed his every step. They listened to his teachings, watched how he interacted with people, and saw him do miraculous works. The more they followed, the more they learned. After Jesus rose from the grave and ascended to heaven, it was now the disciples’ turn to take his message to the world. They got the chance to put into action all they had learned while they were “following” him.

Each day you have the opportunity to follow Jesus. The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are a picture of the life of Jesus. As we daily get in his Word, we are able to find power and direction for life. If we choose to surround ourselves with others who are “followers,” we find strength from the community of believers. When we pray daily, we can ask God to give us the wisdom and heart to see life the way that Jesus did. Just like children, we adore our Savior and strive to follow his example. Each day, remember at the heart of faith is the word…”follow.”


  • Think about all the decisions that you have to make today. Are there any decisions where you need to strive to follow Jesus’ example?
  • Is there a community of believers in your life where you know that you grow when you are around them? List them out. What do you need to do to be around them this week?

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Okuma Planı Hakkında

Discover Faith

Lay the foundation of your faith journey as you experience the Bible through the themes of salvation, the Bible, and prayer. In this 16-day reading plan you'll learn how God wants you to connect with Him so you can live life to the full. Explore the topics of salvation (creation, sin, Jesus, repentance and faith, the Holy Spirit), the Bible (reveals who God is and what he has done, tells us about our reconciliation to God, provides instructions for a full life, how we engage the Bible, how the Bible engages us), and prayer (acronym P.R.A.Y.: praise, repent, ask, yield).


We would like to thank 12Stone Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: