Love God Greatly - JonahÖrnek

Love God Greatly - Jonah

28 günden 20. gün


1. God´s love never ceases. His mercy never comes to an end. In which areas of your life do you need to feel His love and mercy?

2. Think about all the people around you who don´t know Jesus. Pray for their repentance and think of ways to share Jesus with them.

3. What sins do you need to confess in order to obtain God´s mercy?

4. How does God respond to Nineveh’s repentance? 

5. Why did God send His Son into the world? 

Gün 19Gün 21

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Love God Greatly - Jonah

Regardless if we are an outsider, like the people of Nineveh, or an insider, like Jonah, to the Kingdom of God, the book of Jonah is a reminder that God goes to great lengths to demonstrate His grace and mercy to all. Be encouraged as you read this powerful story of God’s relentless grace and mercy, and may you never forget that no one is beyond redemption. May we all seek to love the loveless in our lives.
