Craig ve Amy Groeschel'in Bugünden İtibaren'iÖrnek

As Long As You Both Shall Live
Seek God. Fight fair. Have fun. Stay pure. And never give up. These five commitments are the keys to a lasting marriage. But we need God to do these things; we can’t do them under our own strength.
Leave the past in the past. Let every day be a new day. From this day forward, we can decide what we want our marriage to be. We can’t change the past, but God can change our future. Keep your marriage simple, focused, and Christ-centered, and you’ll have the marriage that most people only dream about.
Let’s pray together: God, help me see the ending of this Bible plan as a beginning of a new thing that You want to do in my marriage. I give You complete control of every area of my life — including my marriage — so that all of my life brings glory and honor to You. I want a marriage that shows the world what Your love, redemption, grace, and forgiveness is like. As I commit to seeking You, please be present in my marriage, and grant both of us Your favor. Thank You for all that You’ve already done in our relationship. And thank You for what I trust You will continue to do in us and through us. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Okuma Planı Hakkında

Harika bir evliliğin olabilir. Bugün yapacağın tercihler yarın yapacağın evliliğini belirler. Pastör ve New York Times en çok satan yazarlarından Craig Groeschel ve karısı, güvenceli bir evlilik için beş taahhüt nasıl yardım eder gösteriyor; Tanrı'yı Ara, adil dövüş,eğlen, pak kal,asla vazgeçme. İstediğin evliliği almak için bugünden itibaren başla.
Bu plan için Zondervan, HarperCollins ve Life.Church 'ye teşekkür ederiz. Daha fazla bilgi için adresini ziyaret edebilirsiniz.