Ready. Set. Go! Share the Gospel!Örnek

Ready. Set. Go! Share the Gospel!

7 günden 3. gün



Read today's scripture passages, then read and watch below.

Take a few moments to consider the power of the gospel in your life and its impact on you. Then look at your calendar and mark a day and time when you can spend 15-20 minutes thanking God and celebrating all that He has done in your life through the gospel.

Now, no matter how familiar or foreign the gospel is to you, take inventory and slowly and prayerfully meditate on it. We have selected Scriptures and a reading that will assist you in this. Ask the Lord to bring the gospel to bear upon your mind and heart with great clarity, power, and tenderness. We want to see Jesus and His sacrifice and see our hearts and ourselves as God sees them. We don’t want to be deceived. The gospel is not merely an intellectual exercise; it is an issue of the heart.

As you meditate on the gospel, make sure that you are being totally honest with yourself and totally transparent with the Lord. Tell Him where you have doubts, questions, indifference, a hard heart, a sense of apathy, or even general unbelief. There is nothing to fear when we are in Christ. He promises us that if we confess our sin, He is faithful to forgive us (1 John 1:9). God’s Word is a light to our path, a mirror of our soul, a two-edged sword sorting between bone and marrow. It is the balm of Gilead. It is life. May the Holy Spirit use it to spur on, grow, develop, and establish our faith.

Refer back to the passages read. Take each Scripture to heart. May God’s Spirit be upon you. May His perfect will be done. May the power of the gospel have its effect upon all of our hearts.

Close by reading The Nicene Creed.

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Ready. Set. Go! Share the Gospel!

Do you believe the gospel? Do you know the gospel? Do you feel prepared to share the gospel? This plan from Thistlebend helps us think through these things and gets us ready to share the gospel while trusting in God's power and love for the lost. Note: The video content is not a duplication of the written content.
