Luke 22
chapter two and twenty
1and it is already was near for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which they call Pesach. 2and the chief kohenim and the scribes did seek on who for a way him to destroy; because they have fear had before people.
3and the Satan is entered into Judas, who they has him called man from Kriot, being of the number of the twelve. 4and he is went away, and self conferred with the chief kohenim and Temple guard people, on who for an way he shall him give over to them, 5and they have self greatly pleased, and have agreed him to give money. 6and he has (it) promised, and sought a opportunity him to give over to them without a gathering stampede (crowd).
7and it is come the Day of Unleavened Bread, in which they must to sacrifice the (sacrifice) Pesach. 8and he has sent away Peter and John, saying, go and prepare to for our sakes the (sacrifice) Pesach, so that we should it to eat! 9and they have to him said: where you want, that we should it prepare? 10has he to them said: look, when you (PL) will come in in the city, will you (PL) meet a man carrying a jar with water; him shall you (PL) follow in the house, in which he goes into. 11and tell the owner of the house of the house: the Rebbe lets/allows (to) you to say: where is the guest room, where I will to eat the (sacrifice) Pesach with my disciples? 12and at that will you (PL) to show a great room upstairs furnished with seder pillows; there shall you (PL) it prepare. 13and they are went away, and have found so as he has them said; and have prepared the (sacrifice) Pesach.
14and when the hour is come, has he self sat down, and the Shlichim with him. 15and has to them said: with a desire have I desired to eat the this (sacrifice) Pesach with you (PL), before I go to suffer; 16because I tell you (PL): I will it more not to eat, until it will fulfilled to be in the kingdom of Hashem. 17and taking a goblet, has he made a blessing and said: take the this, and divide it among self, 18because I tell you (PL): I will from now on more not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of Hashem will come. 19and he has taken bread, made a blessing, and has it broken and given to them, in this way to say: this very thing is my body, which is given for you (PL); this very thing shall you (PL) do in remembrance of me! 20likewise also the goblet after the feast, saying: the this one goblet is the new covenant in my blood, which is shed for you (PL). 21yet look, the hand of the one, who betrays me, is with me on the table. 22yes, the Son of Man go actually, according to as it is appointed become; but woe is to that man, by whom he becomes betrayed! 23and they have begun to ask one the other, who of them the (one) can be, who will the these do.
24and it is also come to a dispute among them, who of them shall held to be for the greatest. 25he however has to them said: the kings of the peoples lord over them, and their rulers call they benefactors. 26you (PL) however not so; but the greatest among you (PL) shall be as the youngest; and the leader as the servant. 27because who is greater, this one who sits at table, (question) the one who served? is not it? the one, who sits? I however am in your midst as the servant. 28you (PL) however are it, who are stood by with me in the trials my; 29and I appoint for you (PL) a kingdom, just as like my Father has for me appointed, 30so that you (PL) shall to eat and drink at my table in my kingdom; and sit on thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel. 31Simon, Simon, look, the Satan has self wheedle out, you (PL) to sift as wheat; 32I however have prayer did for you (SG), that your faith shall self not run out; and you (SG), when you (SG) you will have repentance done, strengthen your brothers! 33he however has to him said: L-rd, with you (SG) am I ready to go also in prison into and also to the death! 34he however has said: I tell you (SG), Peter, not will today the cock crow, until you (SG) you have three times denied me to know!
35and he has to them said: when I have you (PL) sent out without a purse, and bag, and sandals, did you (PL) something fall short of? and they have said: any thing not! 36has he to them said: but now who it has a purse, shall he him take, and also so the bag; and who it has nothing, this one shall sell his garment, and buy a sword. 37because I tell you (PL), that the (scripture), which stands written, must fulfilled to be in me: and with transgressors is he counted become (Yeshayah 53, 12); for that, which was concerning me, has (now) a fulfilment. 38and they have said: L-rd, look, here are here two swords! he however has to them said: it is enough!
39and he is went out, and is went away, as it was his custom/habit, to the Mount of Olives; and the disciples have him also followed. 40and coming to the place of, has he to them said: do prayer, that you (PL) shall not come in in any temptation! 41and alone has he self from them move away (a area) so as a stone's throw; and has knelt and prayer done, 42so to say: Father, if you (SG) want, take went away from me the this cup! yet not my, but your will shall happened! 43and it has self to him appeared an angel of heaven, and him strengthen. 44and a death anguish is on him come, and he has fervent prayer done; and his sweat is become as blood drops, who are fell on the earth. 45and when he is stand up again after the prayer and is come to the disciples, has he them found asleep for grief. 46and he has to them said: why sleep you (PL)? stand up and do prayer, that you (PL) shall not come in in any temptation!
47while he has yet spoken, look, it is come a crowd people and the one with the name Yehudah, one of the twelve, going ahead before them and has (come) near to Yehoshua, so that him a kiss to do, 48Yehoshua however has to him said: Yehudah, with a kiss thou betrayest the Son of Man? 49and as the (ones), who are was around him, have seen what here is going become, have they said: L-rd, (question) should we strike with the sword? 50and one of them has struck the Kohen Gadol's servant and him chopped off his right ear. 51Yehoshua however has answering said: leave it has been done! and has touched his ear, and him healed. 52and Yehoshua has said to the chief kohenim, and Temple guard people of house HaMikdash, and elders, which are come against him: as against a robber are you (PL) come out with swords and with clubs! 53when I was day out day in with you (PL) in the House HaMikdash, have you (PL) not stretched out the hands against me; but the these is your hour, and the power of the darkness.
54and they have him seized, and him led away, and brought in kohen gadol's house into. Peter however has followed from a distance. 55and when they have kindled a fire in the midst courtyard, and self sat down together, has Peter self sat down among them. 56a servant-girl however has him seen sit by the fire, has she self good scrutinized on him and said: also the this one was with him! 57and he has it deny, so to say: woman, I know him not! 58and a little later has him an other caught sight of, and said: you (SG) are also of them! Peter however has said: man, I am it not! 59and after a course of time of about one hour, has an another set assured, so to say: for a truth also the this one was with him; because he is also a Galilean! 60Peter however has said: man, I know not, what you (SG) say! and in an eye blink, while he has yet spoken, has the cock crowed. 61and the L-rd has self turn around, and a glance done on Peter. and Peter has self remember the word of the L-rd, as he has to him said: before the cock will today crow, will you me three times deny. 62and he is went out outside, and has self bitter wept.
63and the men, who have him (Yehoshua) guard, have mocked of him, and him struck. 64and they have him wrapped around (the face), and him asked, so to say: tell prophecies, who it is, who has you struck? 65and a many other blasphemies have they said against him.
66and as it is become day, are self come together the elders of people, the chief kohenim and scribes, and have him led away to their Sanhedrin, and said: 67if you (SG) are the Moshiach, tell it us! he however has to them said: if I shall it you (PL) say, will you (PL) not believe; 68and if I will question (you), will you (PL) not to answer. 69of now on however will the Son of Man sit on the right side from Hashem's power. (Psalms 110, 1.) 70have they all said: (question) you are then the son of the Most High? and he has to them said: you (PL) say it, that I am this! 71they however have said: what need we further a witness say? because we ourselves have it heard from his mouth.
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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