(Luke) Shining Light Tells the Good Story 17
1Creator Sets Free (Jesus) said to the ones who walked the road with him, “This world of sorrow and pain will make many stumble, but how terrible it will be for the ones who go along with it. 2It would be better to be thrown into the deep waters with a great stone tied to your neck than to cause even one of these little ones, who trust in me, to stumble on the path.
“When you are wronged, 3-4look first at what is in your own heart. If one of your brothers or sisters in the sacred family has wronged you, then tell them face to face. If they turn around and ask forgiveness, then release them—even if they do this seven times in one day.”
5“Wisdomkeeper,” his message bearers said, “help our weak faith!”
6“If you had faith as small as a mustard seed,” he replied, “you could also say to this mulberry tree, ‘Come out by the roots and be planted in the sea,’ and it would do what you say.
7“Would an elder who sent a young man out to hunt for a deer, when the young man returned, say to him, ‘Sit down while I skin the deer and cook the meal for you’? 8No, but he would say, ‘Now skin the deer, then clean up and cook for me, then when I am finished, you can eat.’
9“The young man is only doing what is expected and deserves no special thanks. 10In the same way, when you have done everything the Great Spirit expects of you, serve him as you would an elder and do not expect to be honored for doing only what you should do.”
11On his way to Village of Peace (Jerusalem), Creator Sets Free (Jesus) took the path following the border between High Place (Samaria) and Circle of Nations (Galilee). 12He went into a small village where ten men with a skin disease came across his path. 13They kept a respectful distance from him and called loudly, “Creator Sets Free (Jesus)! Honored One!” They pleaded, “Have pity on us!”
14Creator Sets Free (Jesus) looked at them and said, “Go to the holy men and show yourselves to them.”#17:14 Leviticus 14:2-32
Tribal law instructed that a person healed of a skin disease must be pronounced ceremonially clean by a holy man.
They did what he said, and as they were on the way, they were healed. 15One of the ten men, when he saw he was healed, returned to Creator Sets Free (Jesus), giving loud praise to the Great Spirit. 16He then bowed down to honor Creator Sets Free (Jesus) and offered him thanks. This man was from High Place (Samaria).
All the people from there were despised and looked down on by the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel).
17Creator Sets Free (Jesus) said to those who were watching, “Were not ten men healed? Where then are the other nine? 18Was the only one who returned to give thanks and honor to the Great Spirit an outsider from High Place (Samaria)?”
19Then he said to the man, “Stand up and be on your way. Your trust in me has healed you.”
20Another time the Separated Ones (Pharisees) asked him, “When will we see the Land of Creator’s good road?”
He said to them, “Creator’s good road is not what you expect. It does not come with the outward signs you are looking for. You will need new eyes to see it. 21No one will say, ‘Here it is! I found it!’ or ‘Look! It is over there!’ For Creator’s good road is already here—in me, as I walk among you.”
22He then said to his message bearers, “In the time of trouble ahead, you will long for the days when the True Human Being walked among you. Those days will be no more. 23People will say, ‘Look! He is over there or over here!’ Do not listen to them, 24for when the day of the True Human Being comes, it will be like lightning when it flashes and lights the whole sky. 25But first he will suffer many terrible things and be turned away by the people living today.
26“The days of the True Human Being will be the same as it was in the days of One Who Rests (Noah), before the great flood. 27The people were eating and drinking and getting married until the day that One Who Rests (Noah) entered the great wooden canoe. No one believed what was coming until the floodwaters came, washed them away, and drowned them all.
28“It will be the same as it was in the days of Covers His Head (Lot). The people were eating and drinking, trading goods, planting seeds, and building their lodges 29until the day came that Covers His Head (Lot) left Village of Bad Spirits (Sodom). Then rocks burning with fire fell from the sky and destroyed them all. 30This is how it will be when the True Human Being is revealed.
31“When that day comes, the ones on their rooftops should flee, not even taking the time to get their belongings from inside their house. The ones who are working in the field should not take time to go home. 32Remember what happened to the wife of Covers His Head (Lot).”
In the days of Covers His Head (Lot), the ancient Village of Bad Spirits (Sodom) was destroyed by fire-rocks that fell from the sky. He and his wife had to flee, leaving all behind. But his wife held back, and the ashes from the fire covered her, turning her into a mound of salt.
33“The ones who cling to their life’s belongings will lose their own lives, but whoever is willing to leave everything behind will survive.
34“During that night two people will be asleep in bed. One will be taken away and the other left. 35Two women will be husking grain. One will be taken away and the other left.”
36-37“Taken where?” his followers asked him.
“To the place where the dead bodies lie and the eagles#17:36-37 The same word for “eagle” can also be translated “vulture.” gather over them,” he answered.
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(Luke) Shining Light Tells the Good Story 17: FNVNT

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