Psalms 48
Common Meter: 8,6,8,6
A Song and Psalm for the sons of Korah.
1Great is the Lord, and greatly he
is to be praised still,
Within the city of our God,
upon his holy hill.
2Mount Sion stands most beautiful,
the joy of all the land;
The city of the mighty King
on her north side doth stand.
3The Lord within her palaces
is for a refuge known.
4For, lo, the kings that gather'd were
together, by have gone.
5But when they did behold the same,
they, wond'ring, would not stay;
But, being troubled at the sight,
they thence did haste away.
6Great terror there took hold on them;
they were possess'd with fear;
Their grief came like a woman's pain,
when she a child doth bear.
7Thou Tarshish ships with east wind break'st:
8As we have heard it told,
So, in the city of the Lord,
our eyes did it behold;
In our God's city, which his hand
for ever stablish will.
9We of thy loving-kindness thought,
Lord, in thy temple still.
10O Lord, according to thy name,
through all the earth's thy praise;
And thy right hand, O Lord, is full
of righteousness always.
11Because thy judgments are made known,
let Sion mount rejoice;
Of Judah let the daughters all
send forth a cheerful voice.
12Walk about Sion,
and go round; the high tow'rs thereof tell:
13Consider ye her palaces,
and mark her bulwarks well;
That ye may tell posterity.
14For this God doth abide
Our God for evermore; he will
ev'n unto death us guide.
Seçili Olanlar:
Psalms 48: MP1650

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