Psalms 21

Common Meter: 8,6,8,6
To the chief Musician,
A Psalm of David.
1The king in thy great strength, O Lord,
shall very joyful be:
In thy salvation rejoice
how veh'mently shall he!
2Thou hast bestowed upon him
all that his heart would have;
And thou from him didst not withhold
whate'er his lips did crave.
3For thou with blessings him prevent'st
of goodness manifold;
And thou hast set upon his head
a crown of purest gold.
4When he desired life of thee,
thou life to him didst give;
Ev'n such a length of days,
that he for evermore should live.
5In that salvation wrought by thee
his glory is made great;
Honour and comely majesty
thou hast upon him set.
6Because that thou for evermore
most blessed hast him made;
And thou hast with thy countenance
made him exceeding glad.
7Because the king upon the Lord
his confidence doth lay;
And through the grace of the most High
shall not be mov'd away.
8Thine hand shall all those men find out
that en'mies are to thee;
Ev'n thy right hand shall find out those
of thee that haters be.
9Like fiery ov'n thou shalt them make,
when kindled is thine ire;
God shall them swallow in his wrath,
devour them shall the fire.
10Their fruit from earth thou shalt destroy,
their seed men from among:
11For they beyond their might 'gainst thee
did plot mischief and wrong.
12Thou therefore shalt make them turn back,
when thou thy shafts shalt place
Upon thy strings, made ready all
to fly against their face.
13In thy great pow'r and strength, O Lord,
be thou exalted high;
So shall we sing with joyful hearts,
thy power praise shall we.

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Psalms 21: MP1650





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