Bro. Eddie Ministries: The Word Gives InstructionHalimbawa

Noble men are mighty. They are mighty in the sense that they know and do the right thing. Theirs is strength of character.
They are not afraid to face humiliation should it happen. They are willing to endure it. They accept the truth that something may go wrong with them just like with anybody else. They admit if they have failed.
Men of noble character know what it is to win or lose. They are aware that both winning and losing teach them things that are of much importance in life.
They know when to fight for a righteous cause. They know they should give up something that is marked with deceit and injustice. They hold high esteem for truth and are ready to defend it.
Noble men see honor in defeat. Just like in war, they calculate moves. They consider if their army is able to win or not. They do not sacrifice the lives of people under them just to test how strong they are. They would rather seek the welfare of the majority than push for fame.
The idea of retreat does not move noble men at all. They know that there are times that it will be the last and the wisest thing to do.
To them, it is a history to make. And they wont regret doing it for the sake of common good. They come to a point that they need not give in to the temptation of holding on to power. They know it is but a privilege that can be taken from them should they be found no longer worth it.
But most men do not see honor in defeat. They see it as a base thing. For them, to accept defeat is a sign of weakness.
Jesus left us an example of supreme sacrifice. His life makes us realize that surrender is not a base thing to do. He surrendered His will to God the Father and submitted Himself to the plan of redemption. He offered Himself. He left the glory that He shares with the Father in heaven and was born on a shabby manger. He lived like men. He gave His life for them. (Philippians 2:5-11)
His enemies thought it was the last time they would see Him. Satan rejoiced. Until Christ rose from the dead! And that spelled absolute victory for the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan was wrong to think that Jesus is utterly dead while His disciples were of slow heart to believe that He will rise again.
Christs sacrifice was different because it is selfless. He said, Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, but a body You have prepared for Me. In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You had no pleasure. Then I said, Behold I have come in the volume of the book it is written of Me to do Your will, O God. (Hebrews 10:5-7)
It is His blood and not of the animals that had completed the plan to redeem the people from their sin. It was a willful sacrifice. Nothing can be nobler than the fact that God laid down His life for sinners like you and me.
It was not a defeat for Christ after all to die in our stead. In contrast, it gave life to many people who came to Him and placed their trust on Him as their Savior. His was a story of defeat turned to victory.
We cannot equal Jesus sacrifice. But at some point in our lives, we shall need to make a sacrifice for the benefit of many. If that demand is placed on us, we must surrender to it. What is left to us is to allow history to judge if what we did was right or wrong.
Solomon tells us how we can become honorable. A mans pride will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honor. (Proverbs 29:23)
1. What other forms of sacrifice do you know? In what situations can they be applied?
2. Why do people avoid making sacrifices? What could be at stake? Have you made a sacrifice? What are the results it brought?
Giving up our rights is the supreme sacrifice we can make.
They are not afraid to face humiliation should it happen. They are willing to endure it. They accept the truth that something may go wrong with them just like with anybody else. They admit if they have failed.
Men of noble character know what it is to win or lose. They are aware that both winning and losing teach them things that are of much importance in life.
They know when to fight for a righteous cause. They know they should give up something that is marked with deceit and injustice. They hold high esteem for truth and are ready to defend it.
Noble men see honor in defeat. Just like in war, they calculate moves. They consider if their army is able to win or not. They do not sacrifice the lives of people under them just to test how strong they are. They would rather seek the welfare of the majority than push for fame.
The idea of retreat does not move noble men at all. They know that there are times that it will be the last and the wisest thing to do.
To them, it is a history to make. And they wont regret doing it for the sake of common good. They come to a point that they need not give in to the temptation of holding on to power. They know it is but a privilege that can be taken from them should they be found no longer worth it.
But most men do not see honor in defeat. They see it as a base thing. For them, to accept defeat is a sign of weakness.
Jesus left us an example of supreme sacrifice. His life makes us realize that surrender is not a base thing to do. He surrendered His will to God the Father and submitted Himself to the plan of redemption. He offered Himself. He left the glory that He shares with the Father in heaven and was born on a shabby manger. He lived like men. He gave His life for them. (Philippians 2:5-11)
His enemies thought it was the last time they would see Him. Satan rejoiced. Until Christ rose from the dead! And that spelled absolute victory for the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan was wrong to think that Jesus is utterly dead while His disciples were of slow heart to believe that He will rise again.
Christs sacrifice was different because it is selfless. He said, Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, but a body You have prepared for Me. In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You had no pleasure. Then I said, Behold I have come in the volume of the book it is written of Me to do Your will, O God. (Hebrews 10:5-7)
It is His blood and not of the animals that had completed the plan to redeem the people from their sin. It was a willful sacrifice. Nothing can be nobler than the fact that God laid down His life for sinners like you and me.
It was not a defeat for Christ after all to die in our stead. In contrast, it gave life to many people who came to Him and placed their trust on Him as their Savior. His was a story of defeat turned to victory.
We cannot equal Jesus sacrifice. But at some point in our lives, we shall need to make a sacrifice for the benefit of many. If that demand is placed on us, we must surrender to it. What is left to us is to allow history to judge if what we did was right or wrong.
Solomon tells us how we can become honorable. A mans pride will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honor. (Proverbs 29:23)
1. What other forms of sacrifice do you know? In what situations can they be applied?
2. Why do people avoid making sacrifices? What could be at stake? Have you made a sacrifice? What are the results it brought?
Giving up our rights is the supreme sacrifice we can make.
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God uses our questions to make us know Him. I am convinced that none of the wisdom of this world could provide adequate answers to our questions. I believe that God reveals to us a better way of finding solutions to our problems and hope for our disquieted spirit. They are all ours for the asking. And they are revealed in the Bible, the Word of God. Go! Find the answers to your questions. And do it straight from the Word!
We would like to thank Bro. Eddie for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: