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Letting God Lead Your FamilyHalimbawa

Letting God Lead Your Family


From, Through, and For Him

A type of microalgae called diatoms generate up to half of our earth’s oxygen. The shells of these microscopic, single-cell organisms can cover the ocean floor as much as a half-mile deep. And each year, according to Wikipedia, the Amazon rain forests are fertilized with 27 million tons of dead diatoms that are carried by the wind across the Atlantic from the African Sahara, which used to be under water.

The more we understand how this intricate world works, the more amazed we find ourselves with the creator. And the more amazed we are, the more we want to give him glory!

Everything comes from the Lord. All things were made because of him and will return to him. Praise the Lord forever! Amen.
Romans 11:36 (CEV)

Facing our utter dependence on the Lord—we cannot even take a breath without him—can be unsettling, but ultimately it should be freeing. Understanding that everything we do is in his hands releases us from the anxiety of trying to control our lives in our own strength. Deep faith flows from recognizing God’s complete control.

And helping our children get a good grasp on how the Lord holds their lives will help them deal with things that are out of their control, like wars, weather, and diseases. When bad things happen, they can still look forward with confidence to see how the Lord will bring them through. Happy events will double their joy as they give God the glory. Having that sure foundation of knowing everything comes from God, is sustained by God, and is for God makes children unshakeable. When their parents have to leave, or the family has to move again, or tragedy strikes, they know where to turn.

So ask the Lord how you can teach your children about his sovereign rule. Look for examples to point out of how he keeps the world spinning. Add in more praise to your prayers to remind yourself of his power in the face of your needs. Give him glory in front of your children as often as you can.


Lord God, you are amazing. You do so much beyond my understanding. Please help me show my children the wonder of it all. Amen.

Time to Talk

Conversation starter for kids: Provides you with questions and prompts to facilitate a time of applicable discussion with children to lead them towards knowing God and His Word more deeply.

Question(s): What are things only God can do?

Apply: Play an “I spy God” game while you are out on a walk. One person picks an object and the others tell how that object shows an aspect of God. For example, if one says a rock, the others might say God is solid and stable.

Keep It Going

Related passages: These additional verses will help parents expand Scriptural knowledge and place on the armor of God’s Word to tackle each day. Swipe to read the passages today.

Psalm 147:5

Romans 11:33–35

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Tungkol sa Gabay na ito

Letting God Lead Your Family

In the midst of our weaknesses, worries, and to-do lists is a steady God who is more than able to stabilize our families. In this 6-day devotional, you'll learn to place your trust in a good God and direct your children to do the same.
