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Fighting FearHalimbawa

Fighting Fear



One of the key strategies the enemy uses is based on discrediting God's character, His word (truth) and His goodness. He knows this because scripture is clear that "truth will set us free." He knows that if he can get you to believe the lie and doubt the truth, he has got you. Therefore, the opposite is true.

When we fight fear with truth, the result is freedom.

Do you know the truth?

In John 8:31-32, Jesus gives us context for knowing the truth that will set us free. Jesus tells us that faithfulness to his teachings is where truth is found. The fact is this: even the Devil knows what truth is. However, he is "not faithful" to the teaching of Jesus. An action follows up faithfulness. To remain faithful to the teachings of Jesus requires a choice of action, in other words, an alignment of behaviour. James 1:21-25 captures the choice of action so beautifully. James states that listening to the word of God must be followed up by an action; otherwise, we are only fooling ourselves. (Added to that, the enemy is deceiving you.)

For example, I know that exercise is good for me; this is a truth. However, I don't always "feel" like exercising; therefore, do my feelings then nullify this as truth? Absolute not. Truth is unchanging, whether I apply it or not. However, truth only brings freedom when applied. I will only learn the truth of how good exercise is for me after I have done it. Application of truth becomes experienced wisdom.

I encourage this: the more you focus on aligning every aspect of your life with Jesus' teaching, the less fear will have a foothold over you. Don't let the focus be fear; let the focus be finding truth. Let your focus be truth, and the by-product of that will be freedom from fears. Every time I climb on an aeroplane, I thank God for His projection and tell Him that I trust in the goodness of His heart for my kids, even if something should happen to that plane. The more I focus on who He is, the less fear has room to grow roots. However, if I climb on the plane and my thoughts start playing through every noise and possible worst-case scenario, I will fear the entire flight. What you focus on is what you will see.

Hence, Philippians 4:8 tells us to fix our thoughts on truth. This is the most powerful weapon for fighting fears.

As we wrap up this reading plan, please consider how disciplined your mind is regarding its focus. List your fear thoughts, then look up scriptures that speak the truth to those fears. Meditate on those truths and turn them into declarations of thanks and prayers of invitation. God's heart for us is to live with the power of His Spirit, along side the revelation of His love for us, which produces a sound mind of peace.


Jesus, I thank you that you are for me and not against me. I thank you that freedom is found in you. I invite you today into every fearful thought, and I pray that you shine a light exposing the lie whilst declaring your truth over my life. I am so grateful that I don't have to walk this life journey alone; thank you for never leaving me.

If you have enjoyed this reading plan, you can follow Madz on the You Version app or listen to her podcasts on Apple or Spotify. Madz Deyzel is also a published author, and her books can be found on Amazon

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Fighting Fear

Fear has an author. Understanding this is crucial if we are going to stand against the strategies used to provoke fear. Fear comes to steal, kill and destroy. But God gives life to the full. This reading plan seeks to give you tools for fighting fear and living free because God has not given us a spirit of fear but power, love and a sound mind.
