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When You're Not Excited to Read the BibleHalimbawa

When You're Not Excited to Read the Bible


Devotional Day 1: A Guy Who Didn’t Die

When Enoch was 65 years old, he became the father of Methuselah.

After the birth of Methuselah, Enoch lived in close fellowship with God for another 300 years,

Wow. They lived a long time back in Bible times, right?!

…and he had other sons and daughters. Enoch lived 365 years, walking in close fellowship with God. Then one day he disappeared, because God took him.

That is not the only thing the Bible tells us about Enoch. We’re going to read more about his story in the book of Hebrews, but first I want to share something with you because maybe you’ve never heard that you can have fellowship with God and that He is your friend. In Proverbs 18:24, you’ll find one of my favorite verses in the entire Bible. It simply says,

…and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

Sometimes, I like to read the King James Version because I really appreciate the word “stick.” It is a pretty cool word. God has been that friend to me. He is the kind of friend that sticketh closer than a brother. He’s been there for me in the middle of the night when I sat beside my son’s hospital bed, when we thought we were going to lose him. He sat beside me when I felt no hope because I walked away from a job that I loved, and I felt like I scraped the bottom of my hope barrel. There was nothing left, and He showed up. I want you to know that He will be that kind of friend to you as well. All you have to do is turn to Him and call on His name. Maybe you’ve never even said the name “Jesus” aloud. It’s a powerful name. It’s a very powerful name. It means “Savior”. He came to save you and save me from our sins and He opened the door of friendship, the door of hope between us and God.

We no longer have to kill animals and make sacrifices on altars for our sins to be forgiven. God sent His son Jesus to redeem us from the darkness in our souls. He knows our hearts. He made us. All we have to do is say “yes” to Jesus. Yes, we accept His sacrificial death on the cross for our sins, and we accept this life of peace and hope that He wants to give us. That is truly a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

Now, back to Enoch’s story. Now, this man walked so closely with God - don’t you want to be a person known for that? In the New Testament, we read this in Hebrews 11:5,

It was by faith that Enoch was taken up to heaven without dying— “he disappeared, because God took him.” For before he was taken up, he was known as a person who pleased God. 6 And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.

Isn’t this beautiful? You and I are learning that God wants us to believe in Him. He believes in you. He believes in me. Enoch was a person who I believe simply looked up, sought the Lord, and walked with Him. Enoch was a man who DIDN’T die. That’s pretty exciting! I want to go back to Methuselah for a moment here. Methuselah was Enoch’s son, and perhaps you’ve heard his name before. Somebody in your life has said, “oh, he’s old as Methuselah.” Methuselah is the person known for having lived the longest on this planet. He lived 969 years on this earth. Can you imagine that? Methuselah was a very famous person’s grandfather. Do you know who it was? Noah! Yes, Enoch was his great-grandfather.

What I take from Enoch’s story is that when you walk with God, you get to know a friend who sticks closer than a brother. You can be friends with God and your life, your example, and your faith can become something so precious, that you can pass it on to the generations after you. Think of how Methuselah and Noah would need faith for the jobs that God called them to do. What is God calling you to do today?

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