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Small Matters: Becoming Faithful With LittleHalimbawa

Small Matters: Becoming Faithful With Little


Nurturing Small

The next big thing in your life can be a small thing that it's easy to miss. Sometimes, God conceals the greatness of something in seed form. We see this in nature when we look at seeds packed with the potential to transform into gigantic trees.

However, certain conditions are required to allow a seed to become a tree. These conditions range from the environment, soil quality, nutrients, water and sun.

Similarly, we are like seeds that have God-given potential within us, but there are certain conditions that are required to nurture that potential to become reality. Two critical factors that nurture your potential include people and the environment.

The Bible has much to say about the companionship we keep because they can derail your life or help you become what God has called you to be. The Bible instructs us in Proverbs 13:20 that “He who walks with wise men will be wise, associate with fools and get in trouble.” Relationships are so critical in shaping your destiny that you must be intentional about who you allow in your life. Sometimes, you may have to let go of certain people for the sake of your destiny so you can fulfil what God has called you to do. Similarly, you also need to pray and find the right people who are meant to work with you for the purposes of God for your life. For example, the great Apostle Paul had fellow co-laborer's and friends who worked with him and helped him fulfil God's purpose in his life.

The second thing that helps us nurture our potential is the environment we find ourselves in. Some environments are toxic and counterproductive, and we must remove ourselves from those places wherever possible. In the Bible, we read about the story of Jacob working for his father-in-law, Laban, in Paddam-Aran. After a while, that environment wasn't conducive for Jacob to stay and grow his family and his estate, so he had to leave.

However, some environments are good, but you may have outgrown their benefit to you. It can be challenging to leave, especially when we are comfortable in those environments. But if God asks you to shift or make adjustments in an environment, we need to obey his leading because He knows how to get the best out of us in a specific environment.

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Small Matters: Becoming Faithful With Little

This plan will help you adopt a new perspective that can unlock the potential inherent in small opportunities. The plan encourages you to become faithful with the little that you have as you grow your capacity to steward more. God wants us to be good stewards of what he has given us, but it starts with valuing what we have and putting it to work.
