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Living the Dream: 4 Questions Every Dream Should AnswerHalimbawa

Living the Dream: 4 Questions Every Dream Should Answer


DAY 2:


Passion is often the catalyst that confirms the calling and sparks direction. Passion is defined as an intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction, a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept. We all have desires and convictions. We all have strong devotion (in some form or fashion) to an object or concept. It is an unfortunate copout when people deny possessing a passion for something. Those people have apathetically decided to opt out of any worthwhile pursuit. You can’t fail if you don’t try, and you don’t have a reason to try if you have nothing driving you or your passion. Many heroes in the Bible were passionate about honoring and obeying God. As skeptical, fearful, and uncertain of the results that they might have been, most of our Biblical icons were motivated by a fire in their bellies to courageously execute the Father’s will and commands. Worthy passion is consistently brewing and percolating within us.

The devotion we have for our convictions and desires for a worthwhile mission is the hill of intense commitment on which we plant our flag. Those convictions are foundational elements that fuel our greater mission. When our passion is ignited by a dream that we are convinced is meant for us, we are obligated to fan the flame. It is our responsibility to wholeheartedly steward that passion. The beautiful truth is that we undoubtedly know in our hearts, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we are dedicated to the cause and are most likely presented with confirmations and reinforced affirmations of its validity.

Once convinced of God’s direction, nothing will stifle our passion nor stand in the way of our pursuit. Moses freed the Israelites. Joseph became Governor and saved a starving nation. Gideon conquered the Midianites. David killed Goliath. Jesus defeated the grave. Passion is more than excitement. It is deeper than happiness. It is more powerful than motivation. While all of those are byproducts, they aren’t the root that leads to the harvest. While passion does not always equate to a sensational production or glamorous event, it will provide the spark to initiate the fulfillment of a God-given dream and purpose that was meant for only our uniqueness and significance. When a person’s passion aligns with their gifts, something divinely magical unfolds where one is thrust into a world where their dream becomes a reality.


In a 2019 article in the Harvard Business Review, the author discovered the following about passion: According to a recent Deloitte survey of 3,000 full-time U.S. workers across job levels and industries, only 20% say they are truly passionate about their work. Research that I and others have conducted shows that many—if not most—of us don’t know how to pursue our passion, and thus we fail to do so. How do we fix this conundrum? Research on passion suggests that we need to understand three key things: (1) passion is not something one finds, but rather, it is something to be developed; (2) it is challenging to pursue your passion, especially as it wanes over time; and (3) passion can also lead us astray, and it is therefore important to recognize its limits. In a subsequent study of several hundred employees, we found that those who believed pursuing passion meant following what brings one joy were less likely to be successful in their pursuit of passion and were more likely to quit their job nine months down the line than those who believed that following passion was focusing on what one cares about. When you’re pursuing your passion, it’s important to bear in mind that resilience is key because the pursuit of passion is an ongoing—and challenging—process.

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Living the Dream: 4 Questions Every Dream Should Answer

Deep in the heart of man, God created the desire to dream. Many people derive their dreams from a feeling or a whim. Others falsely assume the dream is about their own notoriety or glory. This Bible plan will unpack four foundational questions that are essential for identifying and validating a true dream and calling from God.
