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A Husband's Role in MarriageHalimbawa

A Husband's Role in Marriage


Be a Teacher

“We’ll be right back. Just don’t let your brother jump on the bed,” we said to our then-five-year-old. We were only gone from the room for a few minutes, but a few minutes was all it took. When we returned, we caught them both jumping happily on the bed.

“What’s going on? Didn’t we tell you not to let him jump on the bed?”

“We’re not jumping. We’re bouncing!” she said. We should have known.

When God gave His instructions not to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, Eve hadn’t even been created yet. It was Adam’s responsibility to relay God’s message, but he did a poor job. When Eve mistakenly added, “Neither shall you touch it” to God’s law, it opened the door for Satan to introduce doubt.

“You will not surely die,” Satan said. When she touched the fruit, and nothing happened, it looked like Satan was right. Adam could have stepped in and corrected the error, but he didn’t. Instead, he just went along.

We often look at eating the fruit as the “original sin,” but Adam’s failure started way before then. Adam first failed to accurately teach Eve God’s word. Then he failed to speak up when he noticed Eve going the wrong way. To top it off, he joined in and followed her instead of doing what he knew God wanted.

A husband’s role is to be a teacher to his wife. To “wash her with the word” and help her to reject the lies of Satan so one day, she’ll be able to stand before God in splendor, holy and without blemish.

The call to make disciples of all nations starts in the home—with your wife.

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A Husband's Role in Marriage

During the wedding ceremony, it is easy to tell what the husband’s role is. Stand here, repeat after me, say “I do,” and kiss the bride. Easy! But what happens after the wedding? This 8-day plan will help husbands understand their biblical role in marriage.
