14 Days of Prayer and FastingHalimbawa
Whatever It Takes
A True Story of a people who fasted for their freedom.
Back Story: Esther is a young Jew who has been adopted by her older cousin Mordecai, who is a Jewish elder of some standing. Her story is one of courage born of prayer and fasting and set in the Persian Empire approximately 500 yrs BC.
Xerxes, the pagan king, finds himself in need of a queen. Potential women are brought to the palace, and Esther is chosen. Soon after, a corrupt official, Haman, entices the King to enact genocide against Esther’s people, who were descendants of Abraham, the people of God. At this stage, Esther’s identity as a Jew is unknown to the King and his officials. When Mordecai learns of the plan, he strongly suggests that Esther should ask the King for protection for the Jews. Esther explains to Mordecai that it is mortally dangerous to seek an audience unless the King calls for her.