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Get Untangled


Seeing with your heart

Once upon a cold winter's night, I was tucking my three-year-old son into bed.

"Mum," he said, staring at me in hopeful expectation with his big, beautiful, brown eyes. "Can you stay in my room tonight?"

"No, my darling," I replied softly. "I have to sleep in my bed next to Daddy." Very disappointed with my response, he exclaimed, "Oh, I wish I had a wife!" Knowing that holy matrimony was not the real answer to his nighttime dilemma, I tried to offer some reassurance.

"You don't have to be afraid, my darling. You are not alone. God's angels are all around you, watching and protecting you as you sleep."

"Yes," he bravely agreed. But as I turned to leave the room, eager to get into my bed, he quickly added, "but how do I know the angels are really here if I can't see them?"

Oh no! I was so close to making it to my bed, and now I had to find an answer to a deep, theological question!

"Um..." I fumbled through imaginary folders for a standard Bible School answer that I could quickly translate into nursery language. As I stood there, losing all hope of an early night, my darling boy exclaimed, "I know, Mum! You can also see with your heart."

There I was, trying to complicate things, and my three-year-old schooled me in truth. You can also see with your heart.

This simple truth was the key to freedom. I was stuck in my stronghold because I did not see with my heart. There is a saying that ignorance is bliss, or what you don't know won't kill you, but the opposite was true in my case. I was destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). I was not aware of what was taking place behind the scenes of my physical existence. Therefore the enemy was able to steal my identity and keep me stuck. His plan was exposed as the eyes of my heart were opened in that cinema watching Tangled.

Seeing with the eyes of our hearts will help us realize that we belong to a different story. It will help us discover the real story. We belong to another kingdom. We were not only created but known even before the earth's foundations were formed. We were designed and meticulously created for a divine purpose beyond the fleeting moments we experience in this world.

Dear friend, your freedom came at a great price. You are of incredible value and great significance. You were created for a specific purpose that only you can fulfill. The enemy does not want you to open the eyes of your heart. He does not want you to find out who you truly are because if you do, there will be nothing that can keep you from becoming all you were destined to be.

It's time to see your physical experience in this world behind the scenes. It's time to recognize who you are, take back your authority, and walk out of the stronghold. Nothing is holding you back!

Get Untangled

Close your eyes and ask the Holy Spirit to give you a picture of who you were created to be. Write down what you see, or draw it in your journal.


Heavenly Father, I ask that you will flood our hearts with the light of your truth and love. Open the eyes of our hearts so we can see ourselves as you see us. Give us a new and powerful revelation of who we were created to be. Show us the inheritance you received in us and the inheritance we have received as children of the King of kings. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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Get Untangled

We have an enemy that comes to kill, steal, and destroy. He does a lot of damage in subtle ways. By getting us tangled up in his lies, he keeps us from discovering who we truly are and the purpose we were created for. When we discover what the Father says about us, our faith ignites, and we can break free from the lies that keep us stuck.
