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Favour Follows the FightHalimbawa

Favour Follows the Fight



You and I have been called to be the spiritual equivalent of King David, and he was a weapon of Mass Destruction! From his days as a boy slaying lions and bears to protect his flock, to slaying the Giant Philistine, Goliath, a 10ft tall giant, wearing 60KG of armour. David went on to build a mighty militarily strong nation under his leadership!

The Bible says that we will face battles, just like King David. Our battles will be spiritual battles, and we WILL need to engage with them to see victory in our lives, in the lives of our families, friends, workplaces, marriages, schools, businesses - to see our 'God destinies' fulfilled and our 'God dreams' come to pass!

Here is the good news: when we FIGHT these battles that come our way today, using the weapons that come from the power of the Holy Spirit, we will see every enemy dismantled, we will see FAVOUR FOLLOW EVERY FIGHT! We will be the modern-day, spiritual equivalent, of King David, a Weapon of Mass Destruction!

What are these 'Spiritual Weapons' These Weapons Of Mass Destruction? King David fought physical battles, yes, BUT, he too knew that the power of SUPERNATURAL weapons was were where he would find his victory!

David’s Weapons Of MASS DESTRUCTION:

1. Worship

When we gather, everyone from everywhere and worship, we are honing and sharpening our weapons of war!

LUKE’S STORY: A few years ago I was attending a Hillsong men’s conference and took a moment to look around the room during the worship and singing. I know it’s probably not the done thing, but I enjoy looking around the room and watching people as they worship. On this occasion it actually brought me to tears to see thousands of men, hands lifted as they sang songs to the saviour, Jesus. Whenever I look around the room here at any of our Beyond Church services and see arms high, hearts open to Jesus, people singing, it fills me with confidence, strengthens my spirit and sets me up to fight for another week.

2. Leadership

God is always leading you somewhere... BECAUSE you are called to lead others whom God has entrusted to you…You too ARE a leader! As the leader of your family, your ministry, business, workplace, as a leader of YOUR OWN LIFE, are you asking God to test you, prepare you, to deal with your brokenness? These are all steps on your leadership journey to FINDING FAVOUR IN EVERY FIGHT.....this is what David knew!! HOW do you develop your weapon of leadership? Join a Team! Leadership is the weapon of mass destruction that is forged in the fire of mission!

LUKE’S STORY: At our last studio recording and platform training day for our Beyond Church Online location, one of our newest team members made this statement; “I love that being a part of a Beyond Church TEAM is not about getting something done, it is about growing me as a person”. Being ON MISSION by serving on a team is the best way to develop your weapon of leadership.

3. Joy

This is the secret weapon of MASS destruction! King David knew this to be true:

LUKE’S STORY: Are you a morning person? I am now a morning person, but I have had to train my body clock to become a morning person. I am also not judging the night owls! I know some super awesome night owls and I used to be one! But what David knew, [whether night owl or early bird] was that winning our battles, starts with CHOOSING JOY every single morning!

God calls ALL of us into this life of VICTORY and these weapons of mass destruction are not meant to be secrets, in fact, Jesus died so that ALL could know eternal life and life to the full! If you want to receive all that Jesus has for you today, invite Him into your life!

Discussion Questions:

1. What is a battle you are facing right now? Which ‘weapons’ have you been developing to arm yourself to fight the battle?

2. Which of the weapons of WORSHIP, LEADERSHIP and JOY could you focus on developing this week? And how will you grow in your confidence to use these weapons?

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Favour Follows the Fight

How do we fight anxiety, uncertainty, loss, grief and isolation? Are you feeling equipped and FIT for the battles you are facing? Where is your strength coming from? This Bible reading plan will help us find answers to these questions, inspired by the life of one of the best-known warrior kings of the Bible, David.
