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Wake Up to God's Will for Your LifeHalimbawa

Wake Up to God's Will for Your Life


Discerning the Voice of the Lord

So, you think God has spoken to you, but you’re not completely sure? The truth is that sometimes God’s voice is easy to recognize, and sometimes it’s not. If there is doubt in your mind about whether or not something you’re sensing is from God, ask yourself the following questions: 

• Is it biblical? 

If the answer to this question is no, then you have your answer. God will never tell you to do anything that is contrary to His Word. 

• Is this causing confusion in my heart? 

If the answer is yes, then what you are sensing probably is not from God because God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33). God may challenge us to think differently about things or to reach out to new levels of faith, but He doesn’t create confusion or the doubt and strife that often accompany it. 

• Is this producing peace in my heart? 

Jesus’ voice comes with an awareness of heavenly peace. In contrast, the devil uses urgency, pressure, and fear to drive people. Most of the time when God speaks, it is not a driving, demanding, high-pressure — “You have to do this right now or else!” — word. 

• Have I quieted my desires and self-interest? 

The voice of our own longings, interests, and opinions can easily be confused with God’s voice. To make sure what we are hearing is from God, we must identify our desires and self-interests and, as an intentional act of our will, neutralize them. The louder the voice of our own will, the quieter God’s voice will be. Conversely, the quieter the voice of our own will, the louder God’s voice will be. 

God does speak to His people by His Spirit. The challenge is in learning to hear and then having the determination, faith, and love to simply obey what He is saying. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Rom. 8:14). 

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Tungkol sa Gabay na ito

Wake Up to God's Will for Your Life

The Master has a master plan for your life, and it is a good plan — exceedingly, abundantly above anything that you could ask or think. So, with this confidence we can begin our journey, looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith — knowing that He who began a good work in you, will complete it till the day of Christ Jesus!
