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A Life That Glorifies GodHalimbawa

A Life That Glorifies God




If we visit S.E.A Aquarium in Sentosa, we can see thousands of beautiful species of fish and sea plants. Likewise, with our lives, we may not realize but others are watching and paying attention to how we live. And it would be wonderful if we have a life that glorifies God, whether we are at home, in school, workplace. or wherever we are.

Joseph and Daniel were people who had a life that glorified God. From the story of their lives, we will learn together what we will experience when our lives glorify God.


1. Successful Life 

Joseph experienced heavy pressure as he was tempted daily by Potiphar's wife. But how did Joseph respond? Joseph said, "How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" (Genesis 39: 9) In other words, Joseph says, "I fear God, whatever happens, I want my life to glorify God."

The world today is getting worse and broken and moral is declining. If not careful and be firm in making a decision to glorify God and to fear God, God's children will be dragged down by this increasingly evil world.

The Word of God says, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” (Romans 12:1)

Joseph did not give his body to sin, but he used his body to do what is right. And when he walked in righteousness, the Spirit of the Lord led him and gave him great wisdom so that everything that he did was made successful by God and in the end, Joseph was being promoted, from a slave, the Lord raised him to be the prime minister of Egypt (Genesis 41:41).

This is the key to the success of God's children, as we give our lives to glorify God and for our bodies to be the weapon of righteousness, then the Spirit of God will lead our lives, giving us wisdom and guidance that will lead us to promotion and success.

2. Victorious Life 

Daniel was a man whose life glorified God. He made the decision not to defile himself (Daniel 1: 8) and the Bible also notes that three times a day Daniel knelt down and prayed and gave thanks before his God (Daniel 6:10); what an extraordinary lifestyle! Until one day there were people who sought to find some charge or fault against Daniel and made an evil plan to trap Daniel, which caused Daniel's life to be in danger. However, in such a situation, Daniel did not despair but he chose to live his life to glorify God; Daniel went in o his room, knelt down on his knees, prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days. The result was the Lord saved Daniel from the lions and gave him victory over all his enemies (Daniel 6:21-24).

How many of us have ever experienced the same situation as Daniel? We are living righteously before God, faithful in worship, even faithful in serving God, but then we are still faced with uncomfortable situations. For those of us who work in the marketplace, we often hear of office politics, or good jobs not appreciated, bosses that make things complicated for us, or colleagues who do not like us, etc. For those who are married, may experience challenges in marriage, challenges in educating children, disharmony in relationships, or other problems.

Do not despair and lose hope but learn from Daniel. Let’s respond to each challenge by continuing to live a life that glorifies God and keeps prioritizing God. To kneel down on our knees and pray before God, and praise Him in the midst of a difficult situation is not easy to do. But this is the lifestyle that glorifies God that will guarantee our victory. People can plan to do us evil, but to those who glorify God, God can change the situation for their good.

Eric Liddell was the fastest runner in Scotland. During his running career, Eric always won every 100 meters race he attended. Eric Liddell had a life that glorified God. He took God as more precious than any gold medal he could get.

Once Eric got a chance to run in the Summer Olympics in a 100-meters race, his best events. But moments later he announced that he would not run in the heats for his favored 100 meters because they were held on a Sunday. As for Eric, Sunday is Sabbath, the day he dedicated to worship God.

Eric's decision angered the Scotts. Newspapers carried bad stories about him, and some people even branded him as a traitor of the nation. However, Eric remains firm in his stance. With little time left before the Olympics, Eric trained himself diligently and was qualified for the 400-meter race, where the heats were on weekdays.

Eric knew that the chance to win the 400-meter race was very slim because there were two world-class runners who participated in the race and to make the matter worse he also got the most disadvantages run track.

Just before the race began, Eric got a message, "He that honors Me I will honor." This message was taken from the Word of God in 1 Samuel 2:30. Someone wrote this message on a piece of paper and tucked it in Eric's pocket. Eric was profoundly moved by this message because he knew that his decision not to run on Sunday was to honor God.

Finally the race began. As he ran, Eric thought that he would see the two world runners in front of him, but he did not. Eric was running in front, ahead of all other runners until he reached the finish line. He won the Gold medal and even set a new world record for a 400m run. The Scottish nation was very proud and gave Eric a heroic title. Not long after that, Eric fulfilled God's calling for him and went to China to become a missionary and preached the gospel in China.


As we live to glorify God, God will not remain silent. The Holy Spirit will anoint us, give wisdom and guidance so that we experience a successful and victorious life, and the name of God is glorified through our lives. Amen!


1. What challenges are we facing right now?

2. As we learned from the life of Daniel and Joseph, what should we do when we are facing these challenges? 

Araw 3

Tungkol sa Gabay na ito

A Life That Glorifies God

This plan will encourage the reader to understand the calling for every believer to have a life that glorifies God.
