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The Journey of the ProdigalHalimbawa

The Journey of the Prodigal

ARAW 16 NG 16


Luke 15:22 - “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. 24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.”

This is the part of the story everyone loves. After the son changed his behavior consistently and persistently over time, he was changed inside and out. The boy who left was perfumed, arrogant, and entitled. The son who came back was broken, dirty, humble, repentant, and willing to be of service.

When the father saw his son approaching, he ran down the driveway, hugged and kissed him, and welcomed him home. The father clothed and restored him as a son (not a slave) and celebrated the relationship. Notice, the father did not even feel a need to acknowledge the son’s repentance. The father valued his son. The father, even after everything still valued his son more that the circumstances. The father valued his soul. The father HAD to celebrate. This scripture really illustrates how God the Father responds to a prodigal that does the work, takes responsibility for his life and moved toward the father.

This was not only a celebration for the father. They all celebrated (well except the older brother but that’s another story). This was a house party for sure. The father was so excited that there were no limits on this celebration. If you are a prodigal, you don’t have to stay that way. 

God wants every addict who takes the journey and does the hard work of recovery to be fully restored as a son or daughter of the Most High God and be rid of all slavery thinking and behaving. What is before you might be some hard choices to repent, leave some friends and start moving toward the Father. His desire is to see you restored to him, to family and friends. You can have total confidence that the Father’s heart is desiring to celebrate you and to restore you as his child.

You are on an amazing journey. Some of you feel (rightly so) that you’re on the walking back stage of this story. I say...keep walking. Some of you are in the restoring aspect of this story--changing your stinking slavering thinking to that of a child of God; one He loves deeply. He wants you home and playing your part in the Father’s business.

I know from personal experience the work and journey are worth it. You have no idea how amazing your life can be and how you can become an important part of the miracle of recovery in other people’s life. 

Your recovery is 100% your responsibility. You will need to work hard, make the phone calls, submit to the principles, and do life differently than when you were doing only what you wanted. Many clients have found the book, Recovery for Everyone a powerful tool to help fight and recover from any addiction.

Araw 15

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The Journey of the Prodigal

The famous story of the prodigal in Luke gives us an outline of the addiction process as well as the principles for the journey back. This story of addiction is timeless and so are the principles for recovery. God’s desire is always for us to leave our addictions to follow Him. Join me, as I walk scripture by scripture through the journey of the prodigal.
