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Created For PurposeHalimbawa

Created For Purpose


 Anointed for Purpose  

What Is the Anointing?

Becoming who we were created to be is possible only through the grace, power, and anointing of God. Our purpose has a heavenly origin, and therefore it is beyond the perception of our natural senses. It transcends the boundaries of human reason and ability, as well as the limits of physical law. Thus, we categorically need the supernatural power of God to fulfill His unique assignment for us on earth. It follows that if you believe you can achieve your purpose according to your own ability, it surely is not God’s true purpose for you!

The supernatural power to carry out a purpose, call, or assignment from God is known as “the anointing.” In the previous devotional, we talked about our need to go through God’s process of transformation and maturation. It is only through process that we can be prepared to receive God’s anointing. To “anoint” means to endow someone with divine ability to do what they could not do according to their own nature and gifts. To effectively fulfill the purpose God has given you, you must have the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Know the Purpose of Your Anointing

The nature and measure of your anointing are given in accordance with your unique purpose. This divine ability is not given to you arbitrarily. It is not given to you with an option to use it or not. And it is not given to you merely for your own purposes. It is granted exclusively for the fulfillment of a specific purpose, call, or assignment. Whether that purpose is in the area of business, the arts, education, sports, technology, law, ministry, politics, government, science, medicine, or anything else, it can only be achieved in God. Therefore, no matter what sphere of influence or territory He has assigned to you, if you are working on the purpose He has given you, then you can be assured that God will provide you with His anointing.

Some people have divine ability, but they don’t know the reason for which God has anointed them. Because they don’t know how to connect their anointing with their purpose, they become extremely frustrated. Others don’t even recognize that a divine anointing awaits them. This is one of the reasons why many people feel empty and unhappy. They are ineffective or unproductive in their lives because they are operating outside of their calling and purpose.

But when we are anointed, we are supernaturally empowered to do the impossible! Acts 10:38 says, “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” Are you facing something impossible? Are you trying to fulfill your purpose in your own strength? If your answer to either of these questions is yes, it is time to begin seeking the anointing of the Holy Spirit so you can receive God’s supernatural strength and wisdom.

We always need to keep in mind that nothing God sends us to do is possible on our own. For example, Jesus has entrusted us with this mandate: “And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:7–8). This mandate can only be accomplished when we are anointed with power from on high. Therefore, Jesus explains, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

Receive Your Anointing

It is God’s will that we live under the anointing of the Holy Spirit in order to accomplish our purpose. The only place from which we can minister to others is this place of anointing. We have to choose the way of God because then we will be empowered to bring His kingdom to earth through our assignment.

Thus, the anointing is the grace and supernatural power of God that enables us to fulfill the purpose or call that the Lord has given us. The anointing is granted exclusively to fulfill a divine assignment that separates and consecrates us for a specific mission in life. In addition, the anointing is proof that we are operating in the right calling. It comes to us in that place where we surrender our will to the will of the Father.

Have you received an anointing from God? Have you undergone the process of being formed so that you can know your purpose and correctly apply your anointing? Surrender completely to the Lord so that He can fulfill His plans in your life, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit can empower you to achieve the impossible for God’s kingdom on earth.

Will You Accept the Challenge?

As we conclude this devotional, here is your challenge: Draw closer to God, seeking Him in the intimacy of prayer and worship. Submit to the process that He has prepared in order to form your character into the image of Christ. Be filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. And commit to live according to the purpose for which you exist on earth. The price is high and the process is hard, but the reward is to live in Christ to the fullest, be involved in the advancement of the kingdom of God, and leave a legacy of blessing to subsequent generations. 

If you are willing to receive this challenge, I invite you to pray this prayer with me:

Heavenly Father,
Today, I make a commitment to seek You more, to know You more intimately, and to know myself in the light of Your presence. I pledge to seek the right environment to maximize my potential and serve a vision given by You. I await the supernatural encounter initiated by You that will launch me in my destiny and move me toward fulfilling my purpose on earth. Here I am, Lord! I am willing to do Your will, and not my own. Grant me Your grace and power to endure all adversity and overcome all obstacles that stand in the way. I know that in You, I will do great things for Your kingdom. I pray this in the name of Jesus, amen.
Araw 4

Tungkol sa Gabay na ito

Created For Purpose

Your presence on earth is not a mistake. Neither is it insignificant. On the contrary, you are wanted here—and needed! You are a creation of God with a unique purpose. Discover the indicators of your God-given purpose, how to discern your calling, the process that leads to purpose, and the promise of God’s anointing to enable you to achieve your destiny. Become who you were meant to be!
