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San Juan 5

Jesús la scoltay jtul chamel ta estanqueil ja' Betesda
1Patil la sta yorail q'uin yu'un te judioetique. Jich cha'mo xan bael ta Jerusalén te Jesuse. 2Ta Jerusalén ay estanqueil ja' te nopol yiloj sba soc te yochibal sts'ajc'ul te lume te Yochibal Chijetic sbiile. Betesda sbiil ta hebreo-c'op te estanqueil ja'e. Ay jo'tsal yaxinal ta sjoyobal. 3Tsobol jchameletic chawajtic tey a ta bay te yaxinale. Ay ma'sitetic soc coxoetic soc te mach'atic chamen xchial yoc-sc'abique. [Yacalic ta smaliyel yilic te ya xcaj stij sba te ja'e, 4yu'un ay ch'ul abat ya xco tel ya xtal stij te ja'e. Te c'alal nax ya xtijot te ja'e, te mach'a neel ya yotses sba ta ja'e ya xcol ta chamel, biluc chameliluc te yich'oje.] 5Ay jtul winic tey a te ayix waxaclajuneb xcha'winic (38) ja'wil te ay ta chamele. 6Te Jesús la yil te chawal tey a, soc la sna' stojol te ayix bayal ja'wil te ay ta chamele. Jich la yalbey:
—¿Ya bal ac'an xcolat? —la yut.
7La yal te jchamele:
—Tatic, ma'yuc mach'a ay cu'un te ya yotseson ta estanqueil ja' te c'alal ya xcaj stij sba te ja'e. Jujun buelta te ya jc'an ya x'ochone, ay yan mach'a neel ya sten sba ochel ta ora —xi'.
8Jesús la yalbey:
—Jajch'an tel. Bala te awaibe. Beenan bael —la yut.
9Ora nax col te winique. La sbal jajch'el te swayibe. Been bael. Ja'uc me to, ja' sc'aalelal a te cux-o'tane. 10Jich te judioetique, caj yalbeyic te winic te colemixe:
—Ja' in c'aal to sc'aalelal cux-o'tan. Ma spas te abaloj awaib ta beele#Neh 13.19; Jer 17.21. —la yutic.
11La yal te winique:
—Te mach'a la scoltayone, ja' nix la yalbon: “Bala te awaibe, beenan”, la yuton —xi'.
12La sjojc'obeyic:
—¿Mach'a a me to te jich la yalbat: “Bala awaib, beenan” la yutate? —xiic.
13Ja'uc me to, te winic te colemixe, ma la sna' te mach'a coltayot yu'une. Melel te Jesús la xch'ay sba ta yolilic te ants-winiquetique. 14Ta patil la sta sba soc ta templo te Jesuse. Jich albot yu'un:
—Ya calbat in to: Te bit'il colematixe, ma me xaleulay xan amul, swenta yu'un ma me ayuc bi c'axem to xan jich ya xc'ot ta awenta —utot yu'un.
15Te winique ba yalbey yaiy te jwolwanej-judioetic te bit'il ja' Jesús te coltayot yu'une. 16Ja' swentail te la scontroinic Jesús te judioetic. Yo'tanuc smilic ta scaj te ja' ta sc'aalelal cux-o'tan te jich la spase. 17Ja'uc me to, te Jesús la yal ta jamal:
—Te Jtate yac ta at'el. Jich uuc te jo'one yacon ta at'el uuc —xi'.
18Te judioetique, c'axem to xan la snopic te bi ya yut ya smilic te Jesuse. Melel ma ja'uc nax ya xc'axintay ta sc'opic te sc'aalelal te cux-o'tane, soc uuc te la yal te ja' Stat te Diose, soc te la yal te pajal soc te Diose.#Jn 10.30-38.
Te bi yat'el yich'oj te Snich'an Diose
19Te Jesús caj yalbey yaiyic:
—Jamal ya calbeyex, te Nich'anile ma'yuc bila ya spas ta stuquel nax te bila ya sc'an te yo'tane. Ja' ya spas te bila ya yil te ya spas te Tatile, ja' nix ya spas uuc te Nich'anile. 20Melel te Tatile c'ux ya yaiyon ta yo'tan te Nich'anile. Soc ya yac'bey yil spisil te bila yac ta spasele, soc ya to me yac'bey yil te bila c'ax muc' xan ta pasele. Jich me jchajp nax q'uinal ya awaiyic yu'un te ja'exe. 21Melel te Jtatic Diose ya me xcuxes te animaetique, soc ya yac'bey xcuxlejal. Ja' nanix jich uuc te Nich'anile ya me yac' cuxinuc uuc te mach'atic ya sc'an yo'tan te ya yac' cuxinuque. 22Te Jtatic Diose, ma ja'uc ya yaiy chajbanwanej. Ja' yac'ojbeyix ta swenta te Nich'anile, 23swenta yu'un ya me yich'ic ta muc' te Nich'anile, jich nix te bit'il ay ta ich'el ta muc' te Tatile. Te mach'a ma xyich' ta muc' te Nich'anile, ja' ma xyich' ta muc' uuc te Tatil te ticunwan tele.
24“Jamal ya calbeyex, ja' te mach'a ya yaiybon stojol te jc'ope, soc teme ya xch'uun te mach'a la sticunon tele, ya me xcuxin sbajt'el q'uinal. Ma ba ya x'ac'ot ta castigo, jich ma'yuquix ta swenta lajel, ayix ta swenta cuxinel. 25Jamal ya calbeyex, ya me sta yorail soc yorailix in to, te animaetic ya me yaiybeyic stojol sc'op te Snich'an te Diose. Te mach'a ya yaiy stojole, ya me xcuxinic yu'un. 26Melel te Tatil cuxul ta stuquel, soc ja' nix jich yac'ojbey ta swenta te Snich'anile, jich nix cuxul ta stuquel uuc. 27Soc ac'bot yich' yat'el ta chajbanwanej te Nich'anile. 28Ma me jchajbuc q'uinal ya awaiyic yu'un. Melel ya me sta yorail te mach'atic ayic ta muquenaletic ya me yaiybonic stojol te jc'ope, 29soc ya me xloq'uic tel ta smuquenalic. In te jayeb mach'atic lec te bila la spasique, ya xcha'cuxic soc ya xcuxinic sbajt'el q'uinal. Yan te mach'atic amen te bila la spasique, ya me xcha'cuxic yu'un ya yich'ic castigo.#Dn 12.2.
Te mach'atic testigoetic yu'un te Cristoe
30“Te jo'one ma'yuc bila ya xju' cu'un spasel ta jtuquel. Ya caiy chajbanwanej jich te bit'il pasbilon ta mandale; soc toj te bila ya cal ta chajbanwanej, yu'un ma ja'uc ya jle te sc'anjel co'tan jtuquele. Ja' ya jpasbey sc'anjel yo'tan stuquel te Jtatic Dios te la sticunon tele. 31Teme jo'on jtuquel te ya cal jc'oplal ta testigo-c'ope, ma'yuc sc'oplal te bila ya cale. 32Ja'uc me to, ay yan te mach'a ya yalbon jc'oplal ta testigo-c'ope. Te mach'a ya cale jna'oj stojol te smelelil te ya yalbon jc'oplale. 33Te ja'exe la aticunic ta jaq'uel ta stojol te Juane. Ja' la yal ta jamal ta melel te bit'il ay jc'oplale.#Jn 1.19-27; 3.27-30. 34Te jo'one ma yu'unuc ay stuul cu'un jtuquel teme ya yalbon jc'oplal ta testigo-c'op te jtul winique. Ja'uc me to, ja' la calbeyex swenta yu'un jich me ya xcolex. 35Te Juan jich c'ot ta atojolic te bit'il luz te chicnaj q'uinal ta atojolic yu'une. In te ja'exe ay sbujts' awo'tanic yu'un jun chebuc c'aal te luz yu'une. 36Ja'uc me to, ay testigo cu'un te cajal ay sc'oplal yu'un te Juane. Ja' testigo cu'un te at'eliletic yac'ojbon jpas te Jtate. Te at'eliletic te yacon ta spasele, ja' chican ta na'el a te ja' nix la sticunon tel te Jtate. 37Soc te Jtat te la sticunon tele, ja' testigo cu'un,#Mt 3.17; Mr 1.11; Lc 3.22. manchuc teme xujt' ma'yuc awaiyojbeyic te sc'ope, soc manchuc teme ma'yuc banti awilojic te bi yilele, 38ni jp'aluc sc'op te ainem ta awo'tanique. Ja' swentail te ma ba ya ach'uunic te mach'a ticunbil tel yu'une. 39Ya anopilayic ta sp'alap'al te bila ts'ibubil jilel ta Sjune, yu'un ya awalic te tey la ataiquix a te bit'il ya xcuxinex sbajt'el q'uinale, soc ja' ya yalbon jc'oplal, 40ja'uc me to, ma x'ac'anic te ya xtalex ta jtojole, yu'un ma x'ac'anic te ya xcuxinexe.
41“Ma ja'uc ay sc'oplal ta co'tan te ya quich' ich'el ta muc' yu'un ants-winiquetique. 42Ya jna' te bit'il ay te awo'tanique te ma c'uxuc ya awaiyic ta awo'tanic te Diose. 43Te jo'one talemon ta swenta te Jtate, ja'uc me to, ma'yuc jc'oplal ta awo'tanic. Yan teme ay yan mach'a ya xtal ta stuquel-o'tane, ja' bayal sc'oplal ta awo'tanic stuquel. 44¿Bit'il c'an ach'uunonic? Melel ja' nax ay sc'oplal ta awo'tanic te ich'el ta muc' yu'un te yantique. Ma ja'uc ya aleic te bit'il ya x'ac'otat ta ich'el ta muc' yu'un te Diose. 45Ma me xacuyic te jo'on ya calbeyex amulic ta stojol te Jtate. Ay te mach'a ya yalbeyex amulique: Ja' te Moisés te ay yip awo'tanic yu'une. 46Te yu'unuc ja'uc ach'uunejic te bi la yal te Moisese, ya ach'uunonic te jichuque. Melel te Moisese, ja' nix la sts'ibubon jc'oplal ta jun. 47Ja'uc me to, te bit'il ma x'ac'an ach'uunic te bila ts'ibubil ta june, ¿bit'il c'an ach'uunic te bila ya cal te jo'one? —xi' te Jesuse.

Kasalukuyang Napili:

San Juan 5: TZOXCH





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