Lukas 22
Raa mabi ro Yahudi mawe mfot Yesus
1Korat 'Roti ro Ragi Marak' to kene oh. Korat reto ja raa mtu mawe masom Paskah#22:1 Bokyõ reto to, raa ro Yahudi me mnaut ti ro Allah yakah Musa ysya hohos wana snok mbam tabam ro Mesir. ye. 2Tna imam manes ro agama Yahudi msya guru agama wana saso iso ro mame Yesus. Ana mawe mfot Ait wore wo raa makin mmat fee. Raa msis-sas hasu bo mari bokyas rAit. Tibyo raa manes weto waa raa makin mmat bo ana mfot Yesus, be kbe raa makin mrok mnin-nin.
Yudas yasim Yesus
3Tna kabes yabi (Iblis) twok ybo Yudas Iskariot. Yudas tait, kuber ro Yesus wAit mabo 12 weto sait ye. 4Yudas yasen yamo tna hre saim bo ysya imam manes msya aban mana ro ja mbo raa sbe. (Raa sbe weto to raa ro Yahudi. Ana ja kmot Samu ro Allah.) Raa weto hre su msya Yudas tna saso iso ro kbe Yudas ysan Yesus kʼana. 5Riwai Yudas yama yo kʼana to, ana weto nksoh toni. Tna ana mawe kʼYudas mawe kbe maren pitis kʼait. 6Yudas ksoh. Ait yasen yamo. Tna ywof ati ro moof re kbe besruf Yesus. Yawe kbe yno wore wo raa makin mmat fee.
Raa siwyan bo ro Paskah
7Raa makyõ korat 'Roti ro Ragi Marak'. Ti ro tinyi rau reto ja raa ktan domba sau ro kbe mabo mam bokyõ ro Paskah. 8Tna Yesus ybis Petrus ysya Yohanes yawe, “Nmo siwyan bo sohmaam re kbe anu bkyõ bokyõ ro Paskah.” 9Ana mtu bo kʼAit mawe, “Nyõ nksoh nawe amu siwyan bo sohmaam mam woyõ?” 10Yesus yawe, “Nmo ntwok mam Yerusalem. Tna kbe anu fri raa sme ro yasom baah mkah aya sait. Kro ait retait nmo twok mam samu ro kbe ait yatim twok to ye. 11Tna nwe kʼraa ro samu rait reto nwe, ‘Guru ranu ytu yawe, “Yuk ro kuber woJõ msya Jõ kbe nkyõ bokyõ ro Paskah mam woyõ?”’ 12Kbe ait yerif amah hawar ro uu sau kʼanu. Amah hawar reto mase. Tna ambar bo mhau wea oh. Siwyan bombra mam beto.”
13Tna ana mbewok masen mamo. Ana mmat he bo beta huwya mfi bo bawya ro Yesus riwai yawe kʼana. Tna ana siwyan bo sohmaam mkah makyõ bokyõ ro Paskah reto.
Yesus sohmaam korat ro Paskah
14Bo beta raa siwyan oh. Tna mti reto Yesus ysya kuber wAit hre sohmaam bo su. 15Tna Ait yawe kʼana yawe, “Tii ooh oh Jõ ksoh toni tawe hre takyõ korat ro Paskah refo tsya anu wia. Tna fo kbe bo ro mkair mama mai kʼJõ. 16Jõ kbe sohmaam korat ro Paskah u fee mamo snok mam meen anu bkai mabo rau mam wore wo Allah yamo Raja ybo raa mana rAit.” 17Tna Yesus yoo hawereh sau tubat abyõ mam uu tna skabuk anggur maya reto yayoh asik mase kʼAllah. Tna Ait yawe kuber wAit yawe, “Anggur maya refo noo nsaim nee kʼanya nta. 18Jõ tesait kbe tata anggur maya u fee mamo snok mam oon ro Allah yamo Raja ybo raa mana rAit.” 19Tna Yesus yoo roti sau. Yoo tna skabuk yayoh asik mase kʼAllah. Tna Ait haber roti reto yee kʼana beta mait. Tna yawe, “Nmat roti refo. Tetsu aJõ ro tsan mkah anu oh mefo. Niit oh. Tna kbe nno fefo u re nnaut Jõ.” 20Ana sohmaam bo mkak tna Ait yoo hawereh reto tna yno mnan feto u yawe, “Anggur maya refo to mees aJõ ro kbe miyi mkah riof kʼanu. Kbe raa mame Jõ tajat tna Allah ysair Bosi ro Tna kʼanu oh meto.”
21“Raa ro hren serek Jõ tait hre susai ysya anu mam wefo ye. 22Jõ fi 'Ait ro Yroh Yama Yfi Raa Sai'. Kbe Jõ raa mame tajat mnan si bawya ro Allah yawe bait yum oh. Menohe bo ro mkair meen mama kʼait ro hren serek ysya Jõ retait.” 23Tna kuber wAit mkyas kʼanya mawe, “Awya ro kbe hren serek fi?”
Awya ro yase toni
24Tna kuber ro Yesus wAit mkyas renti tna santri anya mawe ana to awya kbe yase toni. 25Tna Yesus yawe kʼana yawe, “Raa ro wase Allah to, raja wana ja mberasi raa wana ro mbo. Menohe raa ro mase weto, raa mtu mawe ‘raa ro mhaf ase’. He mfe. 26Jõ tawe kʼanu tawe, ‘Nbo raa anya feto ma.’ Anu fo, awya ro yase, Jõ tawe yako hawe sai to ait haberek yamo ynan raa ro yaku. Tna ro aban mana to, Jõ tawe yako hawe sai ait yamo ynan sryan. 27Awya yase toni: Bobot ro hre yait boit, soh mfe ait ro siwyan boit tna yasyõ yee kʼbobot yait? Ja raa mawe bobot ro hre yait boit tait yase toni. Menohe Jõ tama tfi raa ro siwyan boit tna tasyõ tee kʼanu niit ye. 28Anu wefo rabu wawa ja nhau su nrat nsya Jõ, ebokfi bo ro mkair aro mai kʼJõ to. Anu oh mi raa ro ja sikba Jõ fee. 29Taja ybis yawe Jõ tamo Raja tbo raa taro sor. Tna mfo refo Jõ tawe anu meen nbo raa taro ye. 30Tno bo reto afo re meen anu sait-sait yase tna ybo raa mana ro Israel trion 12 weto ye. Tna wore wo Jõ tamo Raja tbo raa woJõ to, meen anu nsya Jõ hre sohmaam bo su.”
31Tna Yesus yawe kʼPetrus yawe, “Simon, nari oh: Kabes yabi (Iblis) yayoh kʼAllah, yawe bitsre ait yama sanet anu beta. Yawe yno anu smot Jõ fee. Yawe yno anu sikba Jõ nmo nhau hayah; mfi bo raa sait ja yoo gandum rait ysok makan rau tna yse hayah. Tna marak rau ait yitsre akus. 32⌞Tna Allah ybis.⌟ Menohe Jõ skabuk nyõ oh, afo re bosmot anyõ matak sai. Tna nyõ nhah nama no kʼJõ. Nashana to, tna tawe nisoh nno nao na to, bosmot wana matak ye.” 33Petrus yawe, “Tuhan; jõ kbe twok bui mato tna tajat su tsya Nyõ ye!” 34Tna Yesus yawe, “Petrus, nari: Kbe nyõ nno feto fee. Jõ thar tawe kbe kook mara fefares mam mti refo to, kbe nyõ nwaar Jõ muhrin tuuf, nawe nyõ nwase Jõ.”
35Tna Yesus yawe kuber wAit yawe, “Tiwya Jõ tbis anu tawe nmo nkyas Jõ tasom aJõ. Tna tawe anu nmo to nbo pitis ma. Tawe, krek yume ro nfau bo to ma. Nse sandal ma. Ati reto anu nbo bo aro mabut fe mfe a?” Tna ana mawe, “Mfe.” 36-37Tna Yesus yawe, “Bokom ro Allah far-far sau mkyas Jõ mawe,
‘Kbe raa mnaut mawe Ait tait Raa ro yber safo.’
Yesaya 53:12
Mfo refo bokom reto oon rau sboh oh mefo. Kbe bo reto mabo tu oh. Bo bawya-bawa sai kbe mno wa fee. Mfo refo tawe ati ro anu nmo to, kbe krek yume wanu, tna ro yse pitis to ybo weni, tna ro yse sbe aro fee to, kbe ait yasim ratan rait re kbe kwiyat sbe sau.” 38Tna kuber wAit mawe, “Tuhan nmat, sbe trion ewok oh mefo.” Tna Yesus yawe, “Mnan oh.”
Yesus skabuk mam faut ro Zaitun
39Yesus sikba Yerusalem tna yamoʼt faut ro Zaitun mnan ja yno soo oh. Tna kuber wAit kro Ait mamo ye. 40Ana snok mam yuk reto tna Ait yawe kʼana yawe, “Skabuk re kbe bo ro tabam refo tko anu nno iro to ma.” 41Yesus yiserar yamo baro naut, tna hre tmi yimna skabuk yawe, 42“Taja, Jõ tayoh kʼNyõ tawe Nyõ noo kair ro mama refo to, beak fari to. Nno re Jõ tru ma. He mfe: Nyõ nno mnan bonaut aNyõ sai.” [43Tna malaikat sau mbam sawro ro Allah mroh mama frok tubor. Mama misoh bosmot rAit. Tibyo Ait yatak. 44Yesus yrok yhaf miyõ toni. Ait yhaf aya tibyo mur-mur skabuk kaket renti. Ait yimyoh frok mnan mees ro miyi tna mbtek-tak mam tabam.]
45Yesus skabuk mkak tna hah yamo yo kuber wAit. Ait yama ymat menohe ana mjin beta. Riwai ana sraujin toni tibyo mhai rowyõ. 46Tna Ait yawe kʼana yawe, “Fyi re anu njin to? Nsen tna skabuk. Skabuk re kbe bo ro tabam refo tko anu nno iro to ma.”
Yudas hren serek Yesus
47Yesus ykyas bo kri-kri fares, menohe raa majin sau mama. Yudas yatim wia yama yo kʼYesus tna hana Ait. (Yudas tait, kuber wAit mabo 12 sait.) 48He Yesus yawe, “Yudas, Jõ oh mi 'Ait ro Yroh Yama Yfi Raa Sai'! Fyi ro nyõ nama hana Jõ mkah bo hren serek Jõ mefo?” 49Ati ro kuber wAit taro mmat bo ro kbe Yesus tru reto ana mtu kʼAit mawe, “Tuhan fyi, amu nbo tfo nfa nsya ana fe mfe a?” 50Tna kuber ro Yesus sait yasen ysot raa sait yimara ati ro yatem ati to hri. Raa retait tait sryan ro imam yase rait. 51Menohe Yesus yawe kuber wAit yawe, “Mnan oh!” Tna Yesus ybo sryan retait yimara tna yisoh mrok moof u mfi tinyi. 52Tna Yesus yawe kʼana ro mama mfot Ait yawe, “Jõ fi raa ro ja hafrah pemerintah Roma fee. Jõ tko raa mrok mnin-nin fee. Anu nbo sogi msya hbat wanu tna nma nfot Jõ to, nno fyi? 53Rabu wawa Jõ thau su tsya anu mam Samu ro Allah menohe anu nfot Jõ mam beto fee. Mfo to, ayõ ro mamur snok mama oh. Tna anu nma wefo fo nkah ntak ro mkair mbam kabes yabi. Tibyo anu nma nfot Jõ fo.”
Petrus ywaar Yesus
54Ana mfot Yesus tna makah mamoʼt samu sau. Samu reto imam agama Yahudi ro yase rait to. Tna Petrus ybo rof-rof ana mtis. 55Snok mam bohra ro samu reto tna raa mko tafoh susai. Tna Petrus ysya raa baro hre su. 56Tna sryan sau ro ano mmat Petrus hre yni foos ye. Au mmat ait kaket tna mawe, “Raa refi ja ysya Yesus ye!” 57Menohe Petrus yawe, “Bokyas anyõ fyi meto? Jõ wase ye!” 58Ti baro firwas tna Petrus hre fares. Tna raa sait ymat ait tna yawe, “Nyõ ja nsya Ait ye!” Menohe Petrus ywaar yawe, “Mfe, jõ fee!” 59Ayõ sau naut tna raa roto sait yawe, “Ae, ait refi raa ro Galilea ye. Ait kuber ro Yesus sait tu oh!” 60He Petrus yawe, “Bokyas anyõ fyi meto? Jõ wase ye!” Petrus ykyas fares si fo tibyo kook sau mara. 61Tna Yesus siur tna ymat Petrus. Tna Petrus ynaut bokyas riwai Yesus yawe kʼait yawe, “Kook mara fefares to, kbe nyõ nwaar Jõ muhrin tuuf.” 62Tna fo Petrus yasen frok yamo tna yawia sut-sut.
Raa makah Yesus mamo mo kʼraa manes wana re ana mtu safo rAit.
63-64Raa ro kmot Yesus mamus Ait. Ana moo hawee make Ait yasu tna mai Ait. Mai tna mtu kʼAit mawe, “Sgi nawe awya yai Nyõ metait?” 65Bomus mawat raa mamus Ait.
66Rabu momo tna raa manes ro agama Yahudi, mama siret su. (Ana weto to imam manes wana msya guru agama wana ye. Ja ana siret su re mtu safo raa ro Yahudi.) Tna raa sbe ro kmot Yesus masen mbo Ait mamo mo kʼraa manes weto. 67Ana mtu kʼYesus mawe, “Nyõ fi Mesias#22:67 Som reto to, “Ait ro Allah ysok tna yawe yamo Raja.” Mai ro Ibrani mawe Mesias, tna mai ro Yunani raa mawe Kristus. fe mfe a?” Menohe Yesus yawe, “Soh Jõ tawe feto kʼanu to, kbe anu smot ye fee. 68Tna soh Jõ ttu bo kʼanu to, kbe anu nwe si fee ye. 69Menohe tawe kʼanu tawe: Jõ fi 'Ait ro Yroh Yama Yfi Raa Sai'. Maban tinyi rau mefo, kbe anu nmat Jõ hre tsya Allah ro yase. Kbe Jõ hre mam ati ro yatem ati; hroh ro mase reto.” 70Tna ana beta mtu mawe, “Soh feto, Nyõ refi Allah yare a?” Tna Yesus yawe, “Ae; au oh nwe meto.” 71Tna ana mawe, “Ait fi Raa sai. Menohe yesait yawe Ait fi Mesias! Yawe feto, Ait nto Allah oh meto! Tna anu besait bri oh. Kbe anu saso raa roto mama maun Ait mkah bawya! Mfo refo anu besait bmit safo reto kʼAit!”
Kasalukuyang Napili:
Lukas 22: ayz
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