I Love My Churchตัวอย่าง

I Love My Church

วันที่ 5 จาก 14

Who or what has the most influence in your life? It’s an important question to ask because who or what you listen to will ultimately determine what you do.

Some argue that church is not that big of a deal, but only people who are connected with Jesus and His Church will experience the abundant life He promised us. Read Hebrews 10:19-25 and answer the following:

• How many times are the words “us” and “we” used? With that in mind, do you think God intended Christianity to be a solo or a team sport?
• Does God want His people meeting together on a consistent basis?

Life is too short for us to make bad decision after bad decision. We need to seek the advice of people who love Jesus and will tell us what we need to hear rather than what we want to hear. We can always find a group of people to affirm our sin and dysfunction because doing so will allow them to justify their lifestyle. But that would be the wrong approach.

When you attend a church weekly and walk in with a prepared heart, you will often find that God will speak to you in a very direct way. God is always speaking. The question is, are we always listening?

So think about it: who or what has the most influence in your life?  Answering this question is dangerous because in doing so, you may need to make some adjustments!!!


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