The CODE Unlockedตัวอย่าง

The CODE Unlocked

วันที่ 12 จาก 12


If I fail I will not give up. He never gives up on me. 

BIBLE READING: Genesis 3:8-9

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, 'Where are you?' 


So I started very early on to notice a pattern emerging, when I failed and completely messed up my Christian walk I would default into a set pattern of destructive thoughts. 

I would hide from God because of the weight and feelings of guilt, shame and failure that had me running to the hills with my tail between my legs and there I would stay. Not reading my bible, not praying or wanting any sort of fellowship with other Christians, I would sulk and feel rubbish hiding away. 

What I discovered was that actually this is nothing new, the Bible verse here talks about Adam and Eve messing it up and doing the same sort of stuff. 

Remember this is the God of the universe who sees and knows all things, nothing is hidden from him, he sees the actions, the heart and every hair on your head. What did Adam and Eve do? They hid from him behind a bush and covered themselves up in shame. 

What does God say as he arrives in the garden to walk with them and talk? He calls out 'Where are you?' 

There are so many blokes in and out of church who are hiding because they have messed up, got it wrong and failed. They are gifted and talented men of God who are called to stand and fight but they are hiding away, ashamed. Men who have radical kingdom potential to be salvation voices, to shake the foundations of this world with the good news of Jesus, but they've hidden because of personal failure. 

Perhaps God is calling out to you today 'where are you?' 

We talk about resurrection DNA at CVM loads, because with Jesus we are never down and out! 


  • Have there been events or moments that have left you running for the hills? 
  • Are you hiding from God? 
  • Have you ever been in that place? 
  • What can you do to answer God and start following him again? 


Lord God I hear you calling me, I am not going to hide from you in my pit of despair and shame any more, stand me on my feet Lord and lead me out of this one! Amen


วันที่ 11


The CODE Unlocked

The CODE is CVM’s (Christian Vision for Men’s) 12-point code of honour for Christian men to live by and fight for. It will allow us to be shaped by our brother, captain, rescuer and friend. The CODE isn’t some new theology, or a substitute for the Bible, the CODE is simply the 'tip of the spear', the catalyst for driving men deeper into God and His word.

