Loved Baby: A 7-Day Plan After Pregnancy Loss ตัวอย่าง

Loved Baby: A 7-Day Plan After Pregnancy Loss

วันที่ 5 จาก 7

Why? It’s the question that torments us, isn’t it? But we aren’t the only ones who have cried out this question. The Bible provides us instance after instance of people lamenting their concerns to God. There is none more profound than Jesus hang­ing on the cross: “About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?’ (which means ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’)” (Matthew 27:46). 

Jesus felt abandoned. You probably feel abandoned. In his forsaken­ness he cried out to our heavenly Father. Why me? 

Jesus felt cast aside. Do you see what he did? He talked with God directly, and he even asked the question that is on all our minds. Ask­ing why is not a sin. However, please know that God won’t answer in the way we prefer. There won’t be a big CNN special or writing in the sky. In fact, God might never answer this question while we are on earth. This is hard to accept. 

You might find a medical reason why your baby died; however, you are not promised you will find a spiritual answer. Instead, however hard, we must trust that God’s grand plan is the right one. And as we talk to God, grappling with these issues and laying our hurt at his feet, we must be real. We must unburden our hearts. Praying will not reverse the course of action, but it will pour comfort onto our broken hearts and in the process change us. Grief causes us to question. To dig deep in our faith. Go ahead and ask God those hard questions, but then follow the questioning with prayer, digging into the Word, wise counsel, and being still in his pres­ence. 


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Loved Baby: A 7-Day Plan After Pregnancy Loss

One in four women experience pregnancy loss. It is a complicated and heart-wrenching grief. In these daily readings, author Sarah Philpott gently walks alongside readers as they experience the misguided shame, isolation, and crushing despair that accompany the turmoil of miscarriage and stillbirth. Sarah helps point readers toward the hope of Christ and the promise that our children are in Heaven.  This devotional is based on Philpott's book, Loved Baby: 31 Devotions Helping You Grieve and Cherish Your Child After Pregnancy Loss .
