God of Justiceตัวอย่าง

God of Justice

วันที่ 2 จาก 7

A just God

I struggle with God’s justice sometimes. There is so much evil that seems to go unpunished in life, and I don’t understand it or like it. But I’ve come to learn that God’s justice is different from ours. It’s not measured by a human yardstick but by His own. As the Creator, only He can determine what is true and fair justice. And the reality is that as humans, we won’t understand it.

But we can be thankful for that because we know that God’s ways are different from ours because His heart is different from ours. God’s heart is a father’s heart and, as a father, He wants the best for each of us. He wants the best for every one of us. And this means that when He is bringing about justice, He is wanting what is best for every person involved in the situation. We don’t always understand this when people do horrific things, but God’s heart is not like ours and His thoughts are not like ours.

Make no mistake, God won’t ignore evil. He will judge those who have hurt the vulnerable, but He will do it in His way and in His time. We may see it and we may not, but God is a God of His Word, so when the Bible tells us that God is a God of justice, we can be certain that there will be justice for the situation. We can be confident that He will not let evil go unpunished. He will right the wrongs and He will vindicate us in His way and in His timing. We just need to trust Him.



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God of Justice

God does not merely choose to act justly – He is justice. His decisions are not swayed by external pressures or personal biases (Which Sign Will You Choose? – Dwayne Jeffries). As you follow this plan, be encouraged and empowered to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly every day (Micah 6:8), just as Jesus did.
