The Heart Of Man: Overcoming Shame And Finding Identityตัวอย่าง

The Heart Of Man: Overcoming Shame And Finding Identity

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“We are sons and we are to call him Abba – there is something in us that knows what it is like to be so small and so protected by a great father. Most of us didn’t have one, but those who did know what it is like to crawl up in his lap and have him beam over us.”

Often, we are confused, tripped up, even crippled by earthly fathers who were wounded by their own wounded fathers. Many of them weren’t even sure they wanted to be fathers. You may have experienced firsthand being parented by a father who didn’t really want to know you or be known by you. To have the person who was supposed to love you most not want to know what hurts you, or what brings you joy is devastating. To be hit, verbally or physically, by someone who knew how to parent only by fear and dominance can handicap you. This early impression can take a lifetime to overcome. 

It is hard for us to believe that we have this kind of powerful, adoring, intentional Papa. Depending on your background it might be difficult to see God the Father in this intimate way. However, one of the beautiful truths of being a follower of Jesus is that God is your Father when you feel like it’s true and when you don’t, and you are a son or daughter when you run and hide and when you stay and enjoy His presence. 

Reflection: What do you struggle to believe is true about God the Father because of your earthly father?

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The Heart Of Man: Overcoming Shame And Finding Identity

Our shame is a bridge, not a barrier. It's the very place that God wants to meet, inviting us to leave behind our broken, legalistic and religious way of thinking and relating to Him. It's freedom from performance. Freedom from managing our behavior so we appear “acceptable” to God. Freedom from our addictions, compulsive behaviors, and double lives. Experience the 7-day journey into The Heart of Man based on the feature film re-releasing nationwide October 17, 2017.
