How To Disciple Men: Short And Sweetตัวอย่าง

How To Disciple Men: Short And Sweet

วันที่ 3 จาก 5

Know Their Pain

The first two days of this reading plan reminded you to get to know the names and passions of the men you’re discipling. Today, we’re demonstrating the value of going beyond small talk and addressing felt needs.

See if these excerpts from How to Disciple Men: Short and Sweet speak truth to you:

“Society honors and elevates single moms and their heroic struggles. Doesn’t it make sense to do the same for hardworking and virtuous single dads? When we see single fathers as a valued asset and champion for their children, we catch a glimpse of how life’s most difficult circumstances can become the greatest of testimonies.” — Matt Havland

“In addiction crisis ministry, listening is probably the most valuable skill you can possess. Men feel ashamed, so they cover their sin. Some critical details that need to come to the surface may be too painful or embarrassing to recall. A skilled listener will hear what’s missing and ask important questions. The answers, pleasant or not, give a perspective that helps the man — and you — maneuver through the first critical hours of confronting crisis.” — Daniel Wobschall

“One of the most challenging prerequisites for discipling men who are ethnically diverse is the willingness to accept their differences without being judgmental or critical. Think about how boring the world would be if all men were alike! A heightened level of respect and admiration for one another comes from recognizing and finding worth in every member, not based on prejudices or preconceived notions, but on acknowledging the value of including men with a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures.” — Elmo Winters

“Connect with young men through story. The millennial mind responds to authentic stories of struggle and victory in a particularly deep way. When a young man understands that you have also struggled, you wash away his fear and prepare his heart for what you have to say.” — David Gregg

Every man faces some level of pain, regret, or anger. Without giving easy answers, we can help men see the truth of Romans 8:18,19, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God,”

True disciples carry each other’s pain. Tomorrow we will focus on the principle “Know Their Heart.”


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How To Disciple Men: Short And Sweet

Reaching men and creating true disciples of Christ out of them is a monumental, frustrating, essential, and rewarding task. You must remember you are not alone. Our prayer is that How to Disciple Men: Short and Sweet will encourage, equip, and fully engage you in your outreach. Your church, your community, and your world are counting on you.
