It's Giving...Idol.ตัวอย่าง

It's Giving...Idol.

วันที่ 8 จาก 10


Thanks to the Internet and smartphones, we use apps for just about everything in our culture. Every form of entertainment, music, and news is at our fingertips 24/7. If we aren’t careful, it can influence and consume us.

We start to idolize what others have instead of all that God has already blessed us with. Then we complain about not hearing God, but how can we with all the noise?


-Try going 24 hours social media-free. If this seems like ‘cake’ to you, try it for a full 7 days.

-To the strongest soldiers, go the next month without the influences of social media. Log out of all socials and use your physical Bible distraction-free.

-Journal your discoveries over the next 24 hours, 7 days, or month. What has God shown you about your dependency on technology and social media? How have you committed to change?


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It's Giving...Idol.

Idolatry isn’t always “in your face.” It’s actually a very subtle thing, and we’re ALL guilty. In this 10-day plan, let's define idolatry, identify idols in our own lives, and get helpful tips on how to avoid "the drift" toward idolatry, known and unknown. This plan will inspire and reveal truth about ways we allow people, places, things, and even world ideologies to take God's role in our lives.
