My Callingตัวอย่าง

My Calling

วันที่ 4 จาก 4

"Hear the Call" We associate angels with wings but here the angel appeared in flames which did not burn the bush. Take note that it wasn’t a bush on fire but it was a fire in the bush. The word angel means God’s messenger. The messenger drew attention to God’s presence and the holy place where Moses stood. God’s messengers come in various forms; similarly God may get our attention through an experience, a sight, vision or a thought. For example a fiery trial, hardship or illness may well be God’s way of drawing us closer to His voice. Notice the fire did not speak; neither did the bush speak up, however God himself spoke from within the bush. Ex 3:4 When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!”....” The fire caught Moses’ attention but it was the voice of God himself, which prompted Moses to hide his face. In Ex 3:7-9 God declared his concern about the plight of His people and with that, God told Moses Ex 3: 10 So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.”. It couldn’t have been clearer than that. So now, go. I am sending you…Gods call wasn’t about his own welfare or his own prosperity but it was ultimately for the good of His people. The call took considerable time and there was a long process before Moses actually heard God’s call. Therefore in regard to our calling, let’s not panic or try to fast forward the process He’s taking us through. The Lord will gently lead us onward through various phases of His providence and discipline before he reveals his plan. Let’s serve Him and obey Him faithfully where we are and eventually get to the holy place where He will speak and commission us with the task he has for us.


วันที่ 3


My Calling

What does the term ‘calling’ mean? Is it an audible voice? A dream? An ecstatic experience? How can I discern God’s calling for my life? Moses lived a purposeful life after that ‘burning bush’ experience, but does that discount all the previous years? Here are some lessons that can help us understand our calling, based on Moses’ life.
