Everyday Prayers for Faithตัวอย่าง

Everyday Prayers for Faith

วันที่ 7 จาก 7

God Faithfully Gives Freedom

I grew up with some good rules—I just didn’t know it. One of my parents’ rules was that we could only have one sweet treat per day. They wanted to teach us to have a healthy balance in our diet, but boy was that hard for a sugar-crazed kid. I love sweets. So, when I moved into my first apartment in college, I went a little wild. Each week, I would buy a roll of cookie dough to snack on, I drank sodas, and I would go through a pint of ice cream—on top of all the other unhealthy foods I was eating. I wasn’t living under the same rules anymore. I was free…or so I thought.

It didn’t take long for my pants to start getting a little snug, and then not fit at all. I realized that the rules my parents had put in place were wise ones. While I was no longer living under their rules, they were still good guidelines to help me live a healthy life.

The Israelites had lived under the law for centuries, but time and time again, they failed to keep it. Not one person was able to live the perfect life, fulfilling every requirement needed to live in God’s presence, which is why God gave them the law to begin with. God’s rules always prove that we cannot do what is required to save ourselves. We are incapable of keeping His laws and living a perfect life. The weight of that is too heavy a burden for us to bear, so God came here in the flesh, to live the perfect life and die on our behalf.

Because of Jesus, God the Son, you are free. You no longer live under the weight of the law. The price has been paid.

Writing to the church of Galatia, Paul urges them to keep walking in their freedom instead of turning back to the slavery they experienced under sin. He wanted them to stand firm in their faith, remembering they had been set free. He urged them not to sin as they had before they followed Jesus, to remember that they were new creations!

God wants the same things for us.


Father, You are the God of freedom. You fulfilled the righteous requirement of the law in Jesus, and now the weight of the law no longer rests on me. Thank You for giving us the Spirit as our Helper. I pray that You will help me keep in step with the Spirit so that I can live out the desires of the Spirit.

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วันที่ 6


Everyday Prayers for Faith

Life rarely goes as planned, and we often find ourselves tossed to and fro by circumstances out of our control. When things go awry, our confidence in God’s faithfulness may waver. But His faithfulness is tied to His promises in Scripture, not our earthly circumstances. Join Erin H. Warren as she unpacks the precious promises of God that are worth far more than anything this world has to offer.
