10 Prayers for Financial Blessingตัวอย่าง

10 Prayers for Financial Blessing

วันที่ 7 จาก 10

Prayer 7: The Blessing of Abraham

Read today's key Scripture passage, and notice what God says to Abraham (though his name was "Abram" at the time) in Genesis 12:1-3. God promised extreme levels of blessing to Abraham in this passage.

Throughout the book of Romans, the Bible teaches that all believers in Christ Jesus have been added ("grafted") into that original promise that God made to Abraham. In other words, whatever God promised Abraham applies to all followers of Christ Jesus today.


  • God will also make you a great nation.
  • He will bless you, and make your name great.
  • You shall also be a blessing.
  • God will bless those who bless you, and He will curse those who curse you. (However, note that these things are God's prerogative to do. For our part, Jesus taught us that we should pray for those who hate us, blessing our enemies, and not cursing them. Vengeance belongs only to God.)
  • Also, in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

How can God do these massive things for you?

He can do it any way He desires to do so, but here are just a few possibilities:

  • He can bless you by giving you influence for His name's sake.
  • He can bless you by giving you wealth.
  • He can bless you by giving you wisdom, so that you will know what to do and when to do it.
  • He can bless you by sending sons and daughters your way—both biological and spiritual sons and daughters—and your life can impact others' lives for generations to come.

Friend, God's hand is not shortened. He can and will bless you in any way He desires, but the key is to believe that ALL of His Word applies to you—including the blessing of Abraham!

Do you want this? If so, pray as follows:

"Father God, in Jesus' name, I thank You that I've been added into the promise You made to Abraham. Thank You for the shed blood of Jesus, which made this possible by Your grace.

Father God, I ask in Jesus' name that You would make me a great nation. Give me influence for You.

Help me to disciple entire nations at once, as Jesus commanded in the Great Commission! Please also bless me, and make my name great as Your Word promises—but only for YOUR glory. Use my life to change the planet, Lord, and to add many souls to Jesus' inheritance. Use me to be a blessing to the whole earth, and show me exactly how to follow You in this.

Father, I also ask that you would bless those who bless me.

And, because Jesus said to pray for our enemies, I pray that You would also bless the people who curse me as well. Draw them to Jesus, and give them every blessing, both spiritual and physical, that You want to give them. It's Your goodness that draws men to repentance, Lord, so shower Your goodness on them.

Father God, You said that I can have all the blessings You promised Abraham. I pray that, in me, all the families of the earth would be blessed—just because You said so; and that I'll be blessed hugely too. Thank You, Father, for Your many blessings. In Jesus' name I pray, amen."


วันที่ 6วันที่ 8


10 Prayers for Financial Blessing

Need God to bless you financially? Then pray through these 10 Scriptures about financial blessing, and believe Him to answer! God wants you to prosper in all things, including your finances.
