7 Prayers for Your Marriageตัวอย่าง

7 Prayers for Your Marriage

วันที่ 6 จาก 7


In 2018, a massive crack in the ground appeared in Kenya seemingly overnight. Measuring 50 feet deep and 60 feet wide in places, the crack sits near the Great Rift Valley, where two tectonic plates have been moving apart a few millimeters per year. It was uncovered by heavy downpours that washed away volcanic ash that was covering up and filling in the fissure.

That massive crack illustrates what can happen in a marriage. Couples can move apart, little by little, over unresolved conflicts, breaches of trust, hurt feelings, and unrealistic expectations. The marriage may look good on the outside until a flood of some sort–adultery, job loss, cancer, money problems–washes the façade away, revealing two people on opposite sides of a relational chasm.

Ephesians 4:26 tells us not to let the sun go down on our anger. In other words, when we have a conflict with our spouse, we need to deal with it promptly. Otherwise, we leave our marriage open to the attacks of the enemy. Unresolved conflicts and hurt feelings can fester in our hearts, creating and enlarging fractures in our marriage.

When a problem or conflict occurs in your marriage, make sure you’re attacking the problem together instead of seeing your spouse as the opponent. Stay on the same team and tackle the conflict together.


God, we thank You for being the Redeemer and Restorer of our hearts and lives. Thank You for our marriage and blended family. We confess and repent of any ways in which we have been selfish or self-centered. Forgive us for seeking our own good instead of considering each other’s needs. We face so many challenges and tasks that draw us away from You and from one another. Continually remind us to prioritize our time and energy to spend with each other. Tear down any barriers between us. Give us unity in our plans and desires, and let those plans and desires align with Your will. Let Your love bring us together and bind us together in perfect unity. Amen.


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7 Prayers for Your Marriage

We all want to pray for our marriage, but sometimes we don’t quite know what to pray. Or we feel like our prayers aren’t “good enough.” This 7-day plan provides seven prayers for various needs you and your spouse might face in your marriage. You can use these to help you become more comfortable praying together, too.
