Reflections on Lifeตัวอย่าง

Reflections on Life

วันที่ 10 จาก 31

The Bible has been given to us so we can know God and live a life that pleases Him. They are our “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.”

Jude, the brother of James and Jesus, wrote this letter sometime between 67 – 80 A.D., and he was concerned about the false teachers seducing believers from their faith with their deceptive lies. In our time, we must remain vigilant, and alert to the devil’s schemes, so we don’t forfeit the ‘prize of the high calling of Christ!’

To survive the apostasy, Jude exhorts his friends to:

  • Build up their faith;
  • Pray with the guidance of the Holy Spirit;
  • Remain in the keeping power of God’s love;
  • Wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jude’s instructions could be considered a heavenly “G.P.S” for believers - “God’s Providence Standard” for believers to practice as they wait for the promise of eternal life. “Providence” speaks of God’s divine guidance or care, to safeguard our destiny!

Paul also expressed concerns about deception and false teachers causing arguments and division amongst the believers in the church when he wrote, “in the last days, some will depart from the faith and pay attention to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils” (1 Tim 4:1).

G.P.S. of Jude exhorts believers to strengthen their faith through the hearing of God’s Word (Rom 10:17). He emphasises the need to yield to the Holy Spirit who shows us what to pray and guides us into all truth and discernment of spirits (John 16:13). Praying for others strengthens the relationships within the Body of Christ, and compassion for others, so our minds and heart are directed heavenward (Heb 10:24 – 25).

Abiding in God’s presence keep us from sin and safe from the enemy’s clutches. God protects those who love Him and obey His commands (Song 2:4; Rom 7:23).

Waiting demonstrates our trust in God’s promises. God is merciful and He extends mercy to us because of Jesus.

Take a moment to reflect on Jude’s advice.

Are there are obstacles that are blocking G.P.S. from being effective in your life?

Perhaps the treadmill of life, or the tyranny of the urgent?

Perhaps your G.P.S. is out of date, or there are components of G.P.S. that need upgrading?

Jude’s advice to his friends is relevant to us today. Ensure that you adopt G.P.S and maintain the programme so your eternal destination is assured.


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Reflections on Life

What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? Unlock the answers to life's most profound questions by embarking on a transformative 31-day journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. “Reflections on Life”, which is brought to you by Bible Society NZ, explores the Biblical view on life and its meaning by reflecting on 31 carefully selected verses from the Bible. Discover the Life contained within His Word!
