Shevotionals: Overcoming and Becomingตัวอย่าง

Shevotionals: Overcoming and Becoming

วันที่ 2 จาก 5

Weaned To Win

My heart is not proud, Lord,
my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.
But I have calmed and quieted myself,
I am like a weaned child with its mother;
like a weaned child I am content. Ps 131:1-2 NIV

When God is causing a spiritual shift for growth in you, He takes you from sporadic imbalance to calm contentment.

I am reminded of when I was nursing my children during their infant years. Their dependency was on my producing the breast milk to quench their thirst and satisfy their hunger. As they became more aware that their cries were pacified with breast milk, crying became their strategic plan of action in order to capture my undivided attention. You see, the unweaned child expects to receive whenever it cries. The weaned child understands and trusts that the mother knows when it is the right time for feeding and the right food to feed it with.

You may have experienced feeling abandoned when you cry out to God. There was a time when your cries were pacified with God's instant provision for your need. Now, you find that when you cry out, there is no instant ‘top up.' You are left asking yourself if God has turned His face from you.

Sister, God has not turned His face from you or His back against you! You are going through the ‘weaning process.’ God is teaching you how to trust Him even in trying times. Remember when you prayed that prayer: “Lord, teach me how to be patient” and this one: “Lord, I need your divine direction.” Oh, please don't forget: “Your way, Yahweh!” Well, Sis, welcome to the ‘weaning for winning’ season! He is setting you up for the Win! You asked for it!! David said that he no longer concerns himself with heavy matters that are beyond his control (Ps 131:1). This was the result of David being ‘weaned’ off uncontrolled and immature responses to troubling situations in his life.

The weaning process is very necessary for growth and progression into maturity. It is in your immaturity that you demand to be fed—when and with what you think will appease your needs and pacify your grievances.

Be encouraged that God is preparing to ‘serve up’. Remember He knows what is right for you. He will never allow you to go without (John 6:35). Sis, God is weaning you to win.


Father, I understand now that the process I'm going through is for a purpose. In Your lovingkindness, You are preparing and equipping me for my next level. Lord, sharpen my discernment to know what is edible in this season and what is not, what to digest and what I should avoid. Thank you for teaching me how to be still to know You more. I will always remain in Your ways.

I am overcoming and becoming.

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Shevotionals: Overcoming and Becoming

What do you need to overcome in order for you to become? In this 'Shevotional' we explore 5 areas of focus that often hinder you from becoming what God desires you to be. Over the next 5 days, we will journey together through real-life reflection, relatable illustrations and intimate prayer inspired to propel you onwards and upwards into your best season yet. Becoming.
