You're Gonna Make Itตัวอย่าง

You're Gonna Make It

วันที่ 1 จาก 5


Can you imagine what life would be like if you didn’t feel stressed? What if you laid your head on the pillow tonight, closed your eyes, and felt real peace?

Is it possible?

Life is challenging no matter where you are on the faith spectrum or how much you love Jesus. It’s hard. It’s messy. And at times, perplexing.

We live in a fallen world surrounded by fallen people, including ourselves, and it’s normal for issues to arise in a world full of people. On almost every page of Scripture, we see this mess we call life! It begs the question, “How do we not only survive but thrive in this environment?”

I believe the Scriptures give us a simple yet profound equation to unlock the answer to living a victorious life. Are you ready for it?

Hope + Grit = Unstoppable.

I like to keep things simple. We need a mindset of hope that is married to a Spirit-empowered reliance on Jesus, and then we will see God’s ultimate plan unfold in our lives in amazing ways.

Now someone is bound to ask, “Where did that equation come from?”

We see this in the example of Jesus from Hebrews 12:2. It says that Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, and it says that for the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated down at God’s right hand.

How did Jesus accomplish salvation? By keeping the joy of God’s work and kingdom set before Him. There is that mindset of hope! And he married that hope to the grit that could endure the cross and despise the shame. Ultimately, Jesus is exalted because God’s plan comes to pass. How awesome is that?

We need both hope and grit to live a victorious Christian life. If we have hope but not grit, we look forward to God working, but we never actually see it because we don’t see things through to God’s ultimate outcome. We quit before the miracle. If you have grit but no hope, you make it to the end but with cynicism. You see God’s final plan but miss out on the worship and enjoyment of God’s presence.

I’m excited to be on this journey with you as we explore how to live victoriously. Because my friend, you’re gonna make it!


วันที่ 2


You're Gonna Make It

In this 5-day reading plan, Daniel Fusco, author of You’re Gonna Make It and Lead Pastor of Crossroads Community Church, unpacks the keys to living with a deeply Biblical resilience. If you join this journey, you will explore how to blossom during times of suffering, fear, anxiety, and stress. These keys are invaluable in this messy world.
