God, Sex, and Your Marriageตัวอย่าง

God, Sex, and Your Marriage

วันที่ 2 จาก 7

God’s Story of Sex

If you want to understand what a great sex life in marriage is supposed to look like, you need to begin with the question, “Why did God create sex?”

Often, we study God’s rules about sexuality without spending time on the why questions. Why is sex so vulnerable and powerful? Why does infidelity result in so much pain? Why does God care about our sexual choices?

Sex in the Bible is not just a list of rules with a strange book of erotic poetry in the mix (Song of Solomon). The Bible tells a story. In fact, it tells a story that helps us understand sex.

When He created the physical world, God was also revealing the spiritual world. He gave us physical human experiences (like hunger and thirst) to reveal to us spiritual truths. (I am the living Water. I am the Bread of Life.) In a similar way, God created us as sexual people to reveal the fact that God is an intimate and relational God.

You cannot understand God’s design for sex in your marriage without pondering the fact that God’s covenant love is revealed through the sexual relationship between a husband and wife. Notice in your Bible reading today, you read from the beginning of the story (Genesis 2) when God created and blessed the sexual union of Adam and Eve and then the end of the story (Revelation) where there is another wedding - the Wedding Feast of the Church and Christ. In Ephesians 5:31-32, Paul links these two weddings. The physical union of husband and wife foreshadows the spiritual union of Christ and the Church.

While this concept can be tough for us to understand, it is critical in helping us make sense of sexuality!

Over the next few days, we are going to make this very practical. You will see how God’s covenant love for His people sets the framework for how God designed sex to work within marriage.

  1. Have you ever thought about God creating sex to reveal something about Himself? How does that concept make you feel?
  2. Why is it important to take time to address the why questions of sex?
  3. How do you think your sexual relationship might change if you understood its spiritual significance?
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God, Sex, and Your Marriage

Sexual intimacy is a challenge for many couples, but what if you are working from the wrong understanding of what makes a great sex life? In this study, you will read about how sexuality was created to be a divine metaphor, teaching us about the nature of God’s covenant love. Our sexuality should actually draw us into greater intimacy with God! Based on the book, "God, Sex, and Your Marriage."
