Surviving Sufferingตัวอย่าง

Surviving Suffering

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Turning to the Bible can help us shape our understanding of God and his presence in our lives. But sometimes, the Bible can be misconstrued. Listen to this story as an example.

The Bible describes who God is and his unconditional love for us. We can rely on God’s truth. Play the intro video and read the scriptures below to discover these biblically supported truths.

God is all-powerful, but he is also patient. When we pray that God will stop a certain evil thing, and it continues, we must not think it is because God is weak or does not care. He is in control and hears our prayers. He is slow to act because he wants to give everyone time to repent (2 Peter 3:9). When the time is right, God will powerfully judge sin (Psalm 73:27).

God hates evil and injustice. Not everything that happens is the perfect will of God (Proverbs 6:16–19; Genesis 6:5–6; Romans 1:18).

Jesus looks for us when we are suffering and has compassion for us. Jesus went looking for people who were suffering (Matthew 9:35–36). He preached the Good News and healed people of all their diseases. He felt pity for them.

God comforts us. God is close to the brokenhearted and comforts us when we suffer (Psalm 34:18; 2 Corinthians 1:3–5). He holds us in his arms (Isaiah 40:11). He comforts us with his Word (Psalm 119:50, 92).

Jesus suffered and feels our pain. Jesus understands our suffering because he suffered on the cross (Isaiah 53:3–4; Matthew 27:46; Hebrews 12:2–3). He suffers with those who are suffering (Matthew 25:35–36).

God still loves us. Sometimes when trouble comes, we think it means that God does not love us anymore. This is not true. Nothing can separate us from his love (Romans 8:35–39). God promises to always be with us, even when we suffer (Psalm 23:4–5; Hebrews 13:5b–6; Isaiah 43:1–2).


Reflect & Respond

Optional Tip: Journaling your responses to the scripture and follow up questions can help you process what you're learning and see your progress towards healing over time.

Think about your own father. As a child, did you experience his love? Consider the same with your mother and other adults who took care of you. How does your experience with your earthly parents affect your experience with your heavenly Father?

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Surviving Suffering

Suffering is real. But you don’t have to suffer alone. In this study, you will explore God's Word and reflect on: why we suffer, beliefs and misperceptions, God’s love during times of suffering, and comfort from his Word. This study is part 1 of the Never Alone: Trauma Healing series. While written for the military community, the themes apply to anyone who has experienced intense trials and wants to heal.
