25 Songs of Christmas a Musical Celebration of the Seasonตัวอย่าง

25 Songs of Christmas a Musical Celebration of the Season

วันที่ 10 จาก 25

Day 10 — The First Noel

Like many of the other Christmas songs we’ve covered, “The First Noel” was written in French and later translated into English. Noel is the French word for Christmas, and it comes from the Latin word for birth. This song retells the story of Jesus’ birth and those who were the first to hear the most monumental news in the history of the world. 

This news wasn’t delivered to kings or those in the highest positions. God chose to bestow that honor upon those whom others considered the lowliest. As “The First Noel” tells us, those people were shepherds.

The first noel the angel did say 
was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay
In fields where they lay keeping their sheep, 
on a cold winter’s night that was so deep.

You see, God doesn’t always choose who the world says is the “obvious” choice to share His greatest secrets with or to do great things for His kingdom. God looks on the heart. You may come from a rough upbringing or a past life filled with sin, but God doesn’t judge you the way the world does—He sees you. To Him, you are His child who has been made completely righteous through Jesus. 

Don’t let your past hold you back any longer. The King has come, and He says you are: 

  • Strong (Psalm 18:32) 
  • Loved (Ephesians 3:18-19) 
  • Chosen (John 15:16) 
  • A New Creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) 
  • Victorious (1 Corinthians 15:57) 
  • Forgiven (1 John 2:12).

Above all, that night in Bethlehem, He was thinking of YOU.

Born is the King of Israel!


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25 Songs of Christmas a Musical Celebration of the Season

There’s nothing like music to put you in the Christmas spirit! We invite you to center your heart on the birth of Jesus and worship Him during our 25 Songs of Christmas—A Musical Celebration of the Season. Each day, you’ll focus on a Christmas song. As you read the day’s devotion, your heart will be filled with the true joy and peace that Christmas brings.
