I Hear His Whisper for Women: Meditations and Declarations ตัวอย่าง

I Hear His Whisper for Women: Meditations and Declarations

วันที่ 2 จาก 7

Listen to my voice.

As my child, you know my voice. You have recognized my still, sure voice in the quiet of your soul. My words, laced in love, have led you further into freedom every step of the way. Do you forget that I am a good Father? I am not silent, daughter. Lean into my loving heart and hear the words of life that fill you with the courage you need. My guidance is always with your benefit in mind. If you choose to listen, you will not be disappointed.

My wisdom is the treasure you seek. Therefore, don’t be fooled into thinking that the world’s ways are better. They will leave you dissatisfied in the end. When you struggle to choose love, let me wash over you with my kindness and remind you that my heart is full of generosity and goodness. I am not a dictator but a loving Counselor. My loyal lovers will find true success in following the advice I freely give. I will never force you to follow me, and I won’t remove my mercy from your life if you choose a different way. I see how your heart longs for fulfillment, daughter, and you will find that in me. Align your life with mine and find the freedom and joy that heeding my wisdom brings.


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