Walking With Jesus (Wisdom)ตัวอย่าง

Walking With Jesus (Wisdom)

วันที่ 7 จาก 7

The Supreme God

Consciously or unconsciously, we often do not place God at His rightful place as the first and foremost in our lives. For example, after being blessed by God, instead of glorifying Him, we boast about that blessing and have less time to worship the Lord. People go to church to fulfill their Christian's responsibility to go to the church. Is that the attitude of Christians who love the Lord? A born-again Christian will always put Christ as the first and foremost person in his or her heart, mind, feeling, will, deed and life. He or she will always think, “Does what I say, think, feel and do glorify the Lord?”

We live in a world that seeks pleasure. We buy things for our pleasure and money has been used to get that pleasure. For example, we use the money to buy a television to seek pleasure from it, but eventually, that television dominates our lives.

Many people make their work more important than God, that they are willing to sacrifice their hours of worship and attendance for the sake of the company—that God calls as "perishable food."  Position and finances are necessary, but they must be done with the right perspective. In other words, don't put them over God, who gives all of these things to you.

These days are the age of materialism. Riches have captured the hearts of millions of people. The Bible reminds us that the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Tim. 6:10). You don't have to have a lot of money to love money. People who love money will continue chasing money. They can be greedy but also stingy. Their lives are used to pursue material things.

God wants total faithfulness. We can serve God with what we have. We can give our possessions – which are God’s blessings for us — for His glory. Let us spend time on spiritual things by praying, reading the Bible, witnessing, etc. Take advantage of your abilities and potential to serve the Lord.


1. What often gets in the way of God's preeminence in your life?

2. How do you struggle to put God first in your life?


Learn to do God's will and righteousness every day.


วันที่ 6


Walking With Jesus (Wisdom)

Having wisdom is everyone's goal. Wisdom is not just talking about intelligence or having above-average knowledge. Wisdom is "God's mindset" that can be understood by us. It can also help us consider and decide our steps so that they are aligned with God's will. Through this "Walking with Jesus" devotional series, we will learn how to become believers who are growing in wisdom every day through the word of God.
