Real Hope: God the Providerตัวอย่าง

Real Hope: God the Provider

วันที่ 2 จาก 5

Unexpected Plan

God had a plan for His people to escape from Egypt. Chapter 14 of Exodus shows the final part of that escape. God told Moses the plan and the people left Egypt. Pharaoh chased after them. The people panicked and thought that they would die in the desert.

In these verses above, Moses says to the people that they can rely on God, that He is true to what He says, and that He will fight the battle; be still and watch. And what did they see?

God acted in a way totally unexpected – the waters were parted, the Israelites passed through safely and the Egyptians were swallowed by the returning water.

God has a plan and we can rely on Him. Be still. Even when we’ve seen Him act in the past and answer our prayers, we still can feel unsure. It’s a natural reaction so we can understand why the Israelite people were afraid. The might of the Egyptian army was chasing them with weapons, horses, and chariots and God acted.

In response to God’s action, verse 31 says, ‘And when the Israelites saw the mighty hand of the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant.’

We can do the same because we have seen God act through Jesus. We need not be afraid because we are delivered by Jesus. The battle has been won. Be still.



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